The Five Minute Journal with Dendron and Visual Studio Code

Derek Ardolf
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2022


Journal sitting up against a laptop

It’s 2022 and you’re looking to start off the year right by keeping a journal. Where to start? The Five Minute Journal (5MJ) is a simple but effective way to get started with note taking.

The Five Minute Journal

Tim Ferriss, world-famous entrepreneur and author of books such as Tribe of Mentors, uploaded a video in 2020 all about his approach to note taking with physical notebooks. 5MJ helps him express gratitude, make days better, and focus on mindfulness.

For a companion guide to the video, take a look at How Tim Ferriss Uses The Five Minute Journal: 6 Tips For New Journalers.

In this post, we’ll be going over how to create your own 5MJ using Dendron. Dendron is a structured note taking tool for developers that is open source, local first, and integrated with Visual Studio Code (VS Code).


This post expects that you’ve gone through the Dendron Getting Started Guide and have a workspace opened to work with. If you’re new to Dendron, make sure to take a look.


Daily journal notes

Daily journal notes are special notes meant to easily track your everyday life. Dendron also has a built-in Calendar View that helps you visually navigate and create new journal entries.


Templates are notes with pre-outlined content meant for reuse. Templates can either be inserted into an open note with the Dendron: Insert Note command, or automatically applied at note creation with Schemas. These are meant to reduce friction in the creation of new content, providing standardized outlines to your notes.


As you end up creating more notes, it can be hard to keep track of them all. This is why Dendron has schemas to help you manage your notes at scale. Think of schemas as an optional type system for your notes. They describe the hierarchy of your data and are themselves, represented as a hierarchy.


Create 5MJ template

  • Open lookup (Ctrl+L / Cmd+L)
  • Type templates.daily-5mj in the text prompt and hit enter to create the template
  • Copy and paste the following markdown:
Based on the journaling method created by Intelligent Change:
- [Intelligent Change: Our Story](
- [The Five Minute Journal](
## Morning<!-- Fill out this section after waking up -->### GratitudeI am grateful for:1.
### What would make today great?1.
### Daily affirmationsI am...## Evening<!-- Fill out this section before going to sleep, reflecting on your day -->### Amazing things that happened today1.
### How could I have made today even better?I could have made today better by
  • Save the file.

You now have a new template with the 5MJ outline.

Create 5MJ schema

Templates can be used with or without schemas. Run Insert Note to insert a template into a currently opened note.

  • Open schema lookup (Ctrl+Shift+L / Cmd+Shift+L)
  • Type 5mj in the text prompt and hit enter to create the schema, which should look like the following:
version: 1
imports: []
- id: 5mj
children: []
title: 5mj
parent: root

Update 5MJ schema contents

We are going to use Inline Schema, a simpler schema format that takes less lines and uses indentation for visual understanding.

  • Replace the content of 5mj.schema.yml with the following:
version: 1
# Daily is the top most schema since its parent is 'root' it must have an identifier
# this identifier 'daily' will be used when using 'Lookup (schema)' command.
- id: daily
parent: root
title: daily
desc: ""
# Children of the top most schema do not need to contain identifier and just
# require a 'pattern' to be set to match the hierarchy of notes.
- pattern: journal
# This pattern matches the YYYY (year) child hierarchy
- pattern: "[0-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
# This pattern matches the MM (month) child hierarchy
- pattern: "[0-1][0-9]"
# This pattern matches the DD (day) child hierarchy
- pattern: "[0-3][0-9]"
# As with regular schema we can set the template to be used with
# the match of our notes. Below is an example usage of shorthand template
# definition (which defaults to type: note).
desc: Five Minute Journal
template: templates.daily-5mj

The pattern attribute is using a Glob Pattern, which is an expression used to match ranges and combinations of characters.

To match with the daily journal structure:

  • Example: daily.journal.2021.12.31


  • Year: [0-2][0-9][0-9][0-9] means match the range 0000 - 2999
  • Month: [0-1][0-9] means match the range 00 - 19
  • Day: [0-3][0-9] means match the range 00 - 39

This means all new daily journal notes are within pattern ranges.

Create a new daily journal

Creating a daily journal entry results in the templates.daily-5mj template automatically inserted.

  • Run Create Daily Journal Note (Ctrl+Shift+I / Cmd+Shift+I)

You should see a new daily journal note with the 5MJ template inserted.

Creating a 5MJ Daily Journal from Schema and Template


Key takeaways

After doing this, you’ve now:

  • Created a 5MJ template
  • Created a 5MJ schema
  • Created your first daily journal with the 5MJ template applied via schema

Next steps

Now what? You have daily journals using templates, but Dendron can do much more. It’s an open source, local-first knowledge management solution that scales as you do.

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Derek Ardolf
Editor for

Person on the Internet that wants to connect to your Second Brain || Automate and document all the things! Docs-as-Code / DevOps / AWS / Python