App Market Part 2

Denis Shelestov
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2020

A very important detail in the history of development.

In previous post, we described the general concept and value of a Denet-based app store. And before we move on to the technical details of the App market, it is necessary to mention one of the most important stages in the history of the Denet technology development.

Root Key

In 2019, while developing Denet.BOX, we faced a request for the possibility to share files. Since all data is encrypted on the client side, and a unique private key is generated for each individual block of data, it was decided to make it possible to install the Root key for a file or folder.

From that moment on, we have created a completely new and unique decentralized file system

For example, there is a document.txt file, initially the key for its encryption was sha256 (file checksum + privateKey). In this case, you can share files, but you would have to transfer an encryption key for each data block.

We have updated the encryption key generation algorithm to more convenient transfer of a file or an entire data folder. In this case, the encryption key for one block of data is sha256 (rootKey + blockchecksum), the rootKey, in turn, is generated for each folder.


* In case of folder — FileKey — sha256 from tine + rootKey

Thus, in order to provide access to any user to your data, you need to provide one of the RootKey Value, then the user will have access to the entire hierarchy of data once loaded into this folder.

Shared Classes

As soon as it became possible to share files and folders, we faced a question about the type of file opening. There are two main types of file access rules in existing file systems:

  • Read
  • Write

By default, when sharing a folder, read rights are opened, but the owner of the data can grant write rights by providing his own digital signature with a limit on the amount of data and a list of files and folders to which this amount applies.

This command is similar to the Approve command in ERC20 token transfer contracts.

This is Part 2 of publications about App Market, if you miss — Part 1

We will tell you how App Market works and what makes it unique in the next publication.

