App Market Part 3

Denis Shelestov
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2020

What App Market Denet consists of and what are its technical features.

What the App Market consists of

App Market Contract — App Store Contract

App — Application, any user or developer can create an application and add it to the app store

App Contract Address — Ethereum contract address, if required to launch the application

App Permissions — Permissions required to launch or install the application (approve, sharing, etc.)

Shared Block Root Key — The key from the first file on the DeNet network required to load application data

Owner Storage Fee — commission: set by the application owner for all transactions within the application related to data storage, downloading and uploading to nodes.

Next Version Hash — When updating an application, the author can either release a new one and specify the hash of the new version of the application for easy user migration within the decentralized network.


Applications are divided into two types — Dapp and EApp


In order to launch the application, it is enough to provide the application with access to the requested data; by default, a hidden folder .apps / is created at the user in which, as applications are installed, directories with data are created.

For example, we want to install the Uniswap application, to do this we find uniswap in the application store. Next, DeNet will create a subfolder with an address inside “app market contract”,

.apps / 0xdefi123 …

following data is automatically generated inside this folder:

manifest.json — application configuration

data / — folder with stored data generated by the application

shared_data / — folder with public data that the user generates inside the application

Depending on the complexity of the application, it can be launched inside DeNet (as a loadable iframe application, or a completely separate application that connects to DeNet by calling denet.web3.js.


EApp — External Application.

It can also be found in the App Market, but it’s work logic will differ. EApp can be absolutely any application that has implemented the DeNet protocol. For example, it can be a game, a separate application for notes, photo or video editing, a rendering application, a music application, and it can be any private social network that instead of storing data on servers, will use user storage with built-in data protection.

Freedom from advertising and commissions!

The key advantage for app creators is absence of system commissions and possibility to earn even on a completely free app.

Open source authors can set a fee on the data generated by the application and receive a portion of the fee for storing, downloading and uploading their application data.


How much would DappDocument make on DeNet? Suppose someone created the perfect document application on DeNet and had 100,000 users, and each user generated an average of 150 MB of information. (including embedded pictures, documents for example). Thus, the owner of such an application will have users with a total storage capacity of 15 TB and pay miners about $ 75 per month.

The app owner sets a superficial commission, ranging from 0x to 10x. For example, here, it would be appropriate to set a commission of 10x, since in most cases there will be little data per user and the application owner will receive $ 750 every month. Also, the owner of the application can set a floating commission depending on the amount of stored data.

Conclusion can be made here? AppMarket will significantly strengthen the products and ecosystem of DeNet, which will increase the demand for Web3, DFILE Token and the general involvement of the audience in decentralized products. It will also help Dapp developers to simplify ways to make money, eliminate ads and internal commissions

In our next article, you will learn about Lightning payments, which will reduce or completely eliminate transaction fees on the Ethereum network for DAPP applications.

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