First ever Storage Farming service where you can earn

Denis Shelestov
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2020


DFILE is a new token created by DeNet, allowing all participants in the DeFi and Storage market to earn cryptocurrency. Token provides for mining from scratch. Miners must meet one of the four conditions to earn DFILE:
Share (rent out) free capacity in DeNet.Storage and get up to 1600% as bonuses
Store data in DeNet.Storage and get up to 100% as a refund
Support liquidity on Uniswap and get up to 0.25% daily
Hold/store token on any wallet to get up to 0.75% daily

Minimal Hardware requirements*

  • 50 MB RAM
  • 3 MB/S Network speed
  • 95% Uptime

*As an example FileCoin requirements are 128 GB RAM, Fast GPU, which do not allow miners to run farms, and has a fairly high entry threshold.

DeNet was founded in July 2017, with idea to use free PC capacities for hosting. Three months later MVP was released. In 2018 B2B market for data storage becomes main vector with many pilots and test runs carried out in large companies in Russia and worldwide. For more details please refer to the official website of the company (

Launch of DFILE is scheduled for the end of October 2020, each DNET (main token) owner will receive an equivalent in farming token DFILE 1:1.
Purpose of the launch of DFILE is to quickly access the B2C market.

Roadmap for products supporting the DFILE token:

Oct-Nov 2020 — DeNet.Storage B2C (Token Distribution for new users)
Q1 2021 — Q3 2021 — DeNet.Lighting Payments
Q2 2021 — Q4 2021 — DeNet.App Market (Dapps only)
Q1 2021 — Q3 2021 — DeNet.In App Payments

To pre-register as a miner / client, please apply at

telegram: @DFileToken

twitter: @DFileToken

