Next step to stable version of DeNet Storage v0.3.1

Denis Shelestov
Published in
Sep 22, 2021

This article created to notify our users for updates in Storage. At this moment we got 97.4% stability for the declared functionality.

Current TestNet results

  • 2026 Pass reports (97.4% Success rate)
  • 54 Failed reports
  • 2080 Total reports
  • 100% Pass from 75.38% Users.

That is great results, but we need to grow success rate more, for MainNet launch.

Release notes

  • Improved Stability
  • Bug fix

How to join testnet

Any people can join now by github. And got reward* for completing testnet tasks. After getting successful results, TestNet will moved to MainNet!

you need to install metamask and latest version of from github repository

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