Real-world application benchmarks

Mayank Choubey
Tech Tonic
6 min readJun 8, 2023


This is an index of my popular real world application benchmark series. All the benchmark applications have been chosen from reader’s feedback. The benchmarks, measurements, and applications are quite different from techempower benchmarks (here).

If you like to suggest more real-world application benchmarking, please add your suggestions in the comments.

Use case 1 — JWT verify & MySQL query

The use case is:

  • Get JWT from the authorization header
  • Verify JWT & get email from claims
  • Perform a MySQL query with email
  • Return the user record

If you don’t have time, here is the executive summary (sorted on RPS) for this use case:

Here is the list of articles for all possible combinations for this use-case:

Use case — 4 QR Generator API

The use case is:

  • Receive a JSON request body over HTTPS
  • Extract URL out of the request body
  • Generate a QR code (PNG) for the given URL
  • Return the QR code in the HTTP response

If you don’t have time, here is the executive summary (sorted on RPS) for this use case:

Use case 6 — JWT sign & verify

The use case is as follows:

  1. Selection of the next email address.
  2. Creation of a payload containing sub, iat, and exp fields.
  3. Signing and generating a compact JWT.
  4. Running the JWT through the verification process.
  5. Retrieval of the payload and verification of the associated email.

If you don’t have time, here is the executive summary (sorted on OPs/second) for this use case:

Thanks for reading the series.

