5 Things to crack B2B Enterprise SaaS Sales

Muzammil Kesrani
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2020

Before starting Denovers and working with SaaS founders all across the globe, I was an international Sales Head for a B2B SaaS company where I started the sales process from scratch and took the revenue from $400 to $10000 in one year.

There are a few things I would like to share.

Be Patient, sales cycles are big

While working with B2B startups, one must know that its a game of patience and consistency. Sales cycles are relatively big but once you get it, it’s fun. You have to engage with the desired company on multiple levels and you must be prepared for it. Remember the patience is all worthy because of the results in end. You won't mind having $$$$$$ in your bank account with a label of Fortune 500 as your customer.

User Personas and Buyer Personas are Different

Often SaaS founders make mistakes by considering their user persona as their buyer persona as well which is not correct in most cases. You have to treat them separately and strategize according to them.

Start a complete Sales Process — Now!

Often SaaS founders delay the process of starting the sales process. You have to do it way early then you think. Bring in Sales Reps, develop a process around it. In my previous company, I started a sales process from scratch which took the revenue from $400 to $10,000 in one year. It’s not that difficult, just introduce Discovery calls, followup emails, and Demos and you are on the right track.

Make an influencer or two to fall in love with your product

This is the real game. Identify top influencers in your industry and start dating them. Let one or two of them to fall in love with your product and write about you. Make them your product evangelist. Trust me, you will generate huge traffic and quality leads out of them. It’s difficult but not an impossible thing to do.

Work on Lead Magnets

The last advice I would give is, with your main product, start working on a few side SEO optimized lead magnets. Go on Google Trends or Keyword Planner and start looking for long-tail keywords and questions in your domain. Pick any one of it and build a simple web product around it and give it for free. Just capture email addresses. Trust me with this + a better conversion UX and a sales process, you will start getting amazing B2B Leads.

These 5 things will definitely set you in the right direction for cracking B2B deals. If you have any further queries, you can drop me a hello at muzammil@denovers.com



Muzammil Kesrani

I love to solve problems with Technology, Business & Design. Currently running a Premium UI/UX Design & Frontend Engineering company https://denovers.com