Five Things Missing In The Built Environment For Families With Young Children

Barry Greene Jr.
density dad
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2023

Originally published at

I just had an eventful weekend, to say the least, as my family and I frolicked around The Fan & Museum District of Richmond, Virginia on the search for a thrifted Panama hat, fully embracing the dad life. We also made a quick day trip to Charlottesville, Virginia, and had a great time for the few hours we were there, but the trip reminded me of some pretty consistent issues I notice when we’re out with our daughter.

Think of The Kids

Here are five issues families with young children face on a day-to-day basis that can be solved with intentionality and creativity.


While green space is certainly needed, so is shade. We do our best to keep sunscreen on hand for our daughter but we should be able to find cover to recoup during play. Below is a brand new park in Greenville, S.C. and there’s simply no shade. No awnings, art sculptures, or shade sails. Sure there are trees but they need time to grow. There’s not even a pergola. This is a place built primarily for families and somehow this fine detail in humid South Carolina was missed.

Unity Park in Greenville, S.C.

Public Restrooms

Changing your child in the car is rough. Having our sons “find a tree” or use a cup is even worse. While parents have to do what we have to do at times, it’s a clear sign that children again are left out of the built environment. I’ve personally witnessed a time or two when the public restroom in a park was closed. Cities are so afraid of our housing insecure that we’ve simply made it inhumane to use the bathroom. Children can’t wait and sometimes, neither can adults. Unfortunately, they can’t overcome “No Public Restrooms” signs by buying the cheapest beer. Let’s create space for them.

Pedestrianized Streets

My little one can walk now and loves to get out and show the world. As a proud father, I want nothing more than to see her show off this privilege preferably right before nap time. She’s gotten to the point that she doesn’t want to be held when she sees everyone else strutting down the sidewalk. However, there are simply not enough places where she can do so. Our streets are now prioritized for cars, and reversing this would send many into a frenzy. I did see this great pedestrian mall in Charlottesville but even they allowed cars to cut across it at certain intersections.

Car crosses an eligible intersection in Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, V.A.

Small Concept Drug Stores/Bodegas

I’ve been an advocate for micro-retail storefronts since my days as a brick-and-mortar business owner. I believe with the raising costs of commercial rents and the shift in the way we shop online, lowering the square footage of a space would place ease pressure on a business to fill it with inventory.

As a parent, there’s nothing like needing to buy something simple in a residential area that you’ve forgotten at home or ran out of and the nearest convenience store is miles away. Whether it is sunscreen, a bottle of water, or snacks, neighborhood corner stores being illegal to build make for shortened family time out and about in order to calm a very, unhappy child. My wife and I ran into a Dollar General Express in Wilmington, North Carolina, and ever since the idea of micro convenience stores seems like an easy solution in dense, residential areas for this very thing.

A “DGX” in Nashville

Spacious Public Transit

The last one is near and dear to me as a car-free father and bus rider. There is no space on the bus for a stroller. There has to be a way to rethink how our buses are configured to consider families who rely on bus service. Fewer seats could add space, but rotating a few seats along the sides of the bus could also open space things up. We do this with light rail and heavy rail why not do this for buses?

I’ll also include family-friendly ridesharing. Currently, there’s no way to request a rideshare with a child car seat. There are times I’d love to request a ride and leave my wife at home to rest while also leaving her car behind, I can’t do this without this simple feature. I can’t stress enough how much this would open up our economy by simply giving people the space and safety to get around without a car to explore their environments or run errands.

My Brompton barely fits on our buses. Where would a stroller fit?

Til next time, cut loose.



Barry Greene Jr.
density dad

journalist helping spread awareness of the necessity to think of families with young children as well as seniors within the built environment.