Treatments For Bad Breath or Halitosis

See what you can to not have bad breath or halitosis.

Dr. Ionescu Alexandru
Dental Education
4 min readMar 30, 2020


Bad breath or halitosis in medical terms can have multiple and complex causes. Most of the time it is caused by a poor oral hygiene or by a diet that facilitates the appearance of bad odors. There are also situations where bad breath is caused by a serious health conditions. In these situations you should consult a medical professional. We have covered the causes of bad breath in a previous article.

Once you have eliminated the serious medical conditions causing bad breath, such as gum disease, multiple cavities, salivary gland conditions, gastro-intestinal disease, respiratory tract infections, liver and kidney disease there are a number of things you can try at home to improve your breath.

1. Practice a very good oral hygiene.

In order to avoid the accumulation of carcinogenic bacteria that causes bad breath and, in time, more serious problems, it’s recommended to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, at least 2 times a day, use mouthwash, dental floss. Also a good addition to your oral hygiene is an oral irrigator. Do not forget the tongue and cheeks. These also need to be cleaned two times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

A good oral hygiene keeps bacteria in check

After a meal, any trace of food in your mouth needs to be removed, because it’s a source of food for carcinogenic bacteria. Besides from that if food remains between your teeth, it will decompose in time and cause a bad odor which will contribute to your bad breath. In order to to this, use dental floss, interdental brushes and mouthwash. If you can’t use any of these (because let’s say you are at your office and you forgot your floss at home) you can chew sugar free gum. This will stimulate the production of saliva which will have a cleaning effect.

2. Go to your dentist every 6 months

Why every 6 months? Because it’s considered that if you have at least a decent oral hygiene there’s not enough time in 6 months in order for serious problems to appear.

Visit your dentist every 6 months

Don’t leave your cavities untreated, especially those in-between teeth (interproximal carries) because these will also affect the neighboring teeth. Left untreated cavities will grow bigger, affect the vitality of your tooth and cause bigger problems.

In some countries dental treatments can be expensive, but consider that these kind of problems left untreated always aggravate and become more expensive. Talk to your dentist and prioritize. Make a plan and take care of your dental problems in time according to your financial situation. If you find yourself in a situation where money is tight increase the time you spend on your oral hygiene. Brush better, use dental floss and mouthwash regularly in order to keep new dental problems appear and take care of your old problems as soon as you can.

3. Hydrate

A dry mouth facilitates the multiplication of cariogenic bacteria and modifying your mouth’s pH. An acidic pH is an ideal environment for destroying your enamel.

Hydrate well to improve your oral health

Drink at least 2L of liquids every day. Water and green tea is highly recommended because they reduce bacterial load and sulfur compounds that cause bad breath.

4. Improve your diet

Carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol favor the appearence of bad odor and dental problems. Avoid foods that can generate sulfur compounds or other compounds favoring the appearence of bad odors such as: onions, garlic, most cheeses. Introduce in your diet more fresh fruits and vegetables such as: blueberries, apples, strawberries, melons citrus fruits.

5. Give up smoking

I know, that’s a tough one, but besides all the negative effects it has on your body, smoking causes the drying of the soft tissues in your mouth: lips, tongue, cheeks. It also causes a drop in the oxygen levels in your mouth. These create a suitable medium for bacterial proliferation as well as the smoker’s breath.

Give up smoking for a better life

Nicotine and other compounds found in cigarettes fixate on the surface of your teeth and, in time can create serious dental issues.

If you are in a situation where you can’t brush, you can:

  • rinse with a mouthwash
  • chew sugar-free gum with xylitol. Avoid menthol flavored gums as they decrease the production of saliva
  • chew on cinnamon sticks, fennel seeds, parsley, ginger or basil

You should also take a look at what causes bad breath or halitosis.



Dr. Ionescu Alexandru
Dental Education

Cabinet stomatologic in Targu-Jiu, situat pe strada 9 Mai nr. 44 bis. Deschis si in weekend. Dr. Ionescu Alexandru. Telefon : 0740 051 386 |