Bulgaria hosted over 600 professionals at the first Dentsu Digital Camp

Radoslav Nedelchev
Winning in the Digital Economy
3 min readFeb 24, 2017


Over 600 people from the media industry in Bulgaria and the Balkan region including regional and local advertisers, media owners and technology companies had attended the first Dentsu Digital Camp event in Bulgaria. The conference succeeded to bring immense social and educational benefits to its attendees, speakers and sponsors alike and was proudly labelled the premier event for the advertising industry in Bulgaria by all participants.

The A-list selection of speakers was much appreciated by the attendees and succeeded to keep their attention till the very end combining topics such as multiscreen advertising, multichannel experiences, new media models, innovations and disruptive consumer trends.

“I’m really, really proud of the way we stated from the very first edition of this event that Dentsu Digital Camp is a knowledge platform that you should not miss in any way. As one of our participants stated — this conference just sharpened my saw with new ideas and new approaches that will make me cut twice more efficient any challenging tree on my way” Maria Grachnova, CEO Bulgaria, Romania and Adriatics, Dentsu Aegis Network said. “I would personally like to thank each and every one of our dedicated speakers — as they were the one that made this magic happened”, she added.

A big thanks from all DAN Team Bulgaria to all our speakers that presented the Dentsu Aegis Network’s vision of how to win in the digital economy in such a persuasive way:

Kei Shimada, Global Director of Innovation and Business Development, Dentsu Inc.

Jane Lin-Baden, CEO, Isobar APAC & Isobar China Group,

Mark Fagan, CEO eCommera,

Frank Krikhaar, Global Corporate Social Responsibility Director, Dentsu Aegis Network,

Rikke Grundtvig, Chief Marketing Officer, Nordics, Central & Eastern Europe, Dentsu Aegis Network

Dorota Bigo, Sales Manager, DoubleClick CEE, Google

Bartosz Malinowski, Vice President CEE & MENA, Adform

Nikola Ivanov, Chief Marketing Digital Officer for Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, L’Oréal

Avgustin Milanov, Senior manager Digital Trade Marketing, VIVACOM

Theodora Domuschieva, Business Development Manager, 7Talents

Nikolay Tinkov, Senior Brand Manager, Zagorka

You can see the whole story of the first Dentsu Digital Camp in pictures right here

Videos will be available soon!



Radoslav Nedelchev
Winning in the Digital Economy

Connected Thinker. All views my own and probably wrong. Mon-Fri COO @dentsuaegisBG