#Introducing… Garreth Cameron, EMEA Data Protection Officer

Winning in the Digital Economy
4 min readJan 29, 2018

In celebration of international data protection day we spoke to Garreth Cameron, EMEA Data Protection Officer for Dentsu Aegis Network. Garreth shares his views on why data protection helps feed consumer trust, and what success looks like for someone in his position ahead of the impending GDPR.

Garreth Cameron, Dentsu Aegis Network EMEA Data Protection Officer

Welcome to Dentsu Aegis Network, can you tell us what a data protection officer does?

It’s my job to help ensure Dentsu Aegis Network meets its obligations under data protection and privacy law, to be an independent adviser to the business and to interact with regulators where needed. Appointing a data protection officer is a key part of DAN being accountable and showing to clients, consumers and regulators that we are committed to using personal data fairly and responsibly.

What did you know about Dentsu Aegis before you joined?

Before joining DAN I worked for the UK data protection authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office, where I led the Commissioner’s strategic relationships with the private sector. I’d had some involvement with the advertising industry more generally and was aware of Dentsu Aegis Network and its perspectives on data protection.

With GDPR looming, what do you want people to think about when they think of data protection?

I’d like us to get to a point where good data protection practices are so embedded in the way we work that we do them automatically without thinking — like putting on a seatbelt when we get in a car.

Whether you are CEO or you’re just starting out your career, you have a responsibility to keep personal data safe and secure. Security breaches have a huge impact on any business — whether it’s to reputation, lost clients, regulatory fines, or the costs associated with diverting attention away from the core business. Make no mistake — you have the power to make a big difference through the little things you do each day like locking away your laptop when it’s not in use.

Data protection is about more than data security though — it’s about having a framework in place that allows us to collect and use data responsibly. The better we understand that framework then the better equipped we are to utilise the power of data to innovate the way brands are built. I think smart, digital-savvy businesses will see GDPR as an opportunity instead of a threat and a way to gain an edge on their competitors.

At Dentsu Aegis, our vision is “Innovating the way brands are built” — how can we make sure we are being innovative AND responsible?

Being innovative and being responsible with personal data are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I’d argue that sometimes the real innovation comes from working out how to do something in a responsible, safe and ethical way.

Thinking about data protection and privacy at an early stage in the development of a new idea, product or service will enable you to bake-in protections and help your work gain traction. It’s an approach to thinking about data protection that will become mandatory under GDPR in certain situations. I think that in the future our clients will increasingly want to understand more about how we assess and deal with data protection and privacy risks.

How does data protection help feed consumer trust?

Building trust is a bit like building a healthy bank balance. Making regular deposits by demonstrating and reinforcing to clients, consumers and regulators that we have a responsible approach to the use of data will help build our balance. Failing to get data protection right will result in withdrawals. If clients don’t trust us we lose business. If regulators don’t trust us we face sanctions. If consumers don’t trust us we face adblockers. Trust is vital currency in the digital world.

What’s the most important thing companies need to consider when using personal data?

Being fair and transparent with the consumer, and keeping data safe and secure, is a great start.

What does success look like for someone in your position?

Success means having a great story to tell our stakeholders about DAN’s approach to data protection and privacy which we can back up with compelling evidence. I want data protection to be viewed as a positive force for good across the business — something which leads to client satisfaction, commercial success and consumer protection — rather than a bureaucratic burden being forced upon all of us.

From your perspective, what does the future look like for Dentsu Aegis Network?

As we hurtle towards 2020 we’ll have new electronic privacy laws to contend with, technological developments, increasing consumer awareness of privacy issues and, of course, Brexit. There will be big challenges, but also an opportunity for Dentsu Aegis Network to lead the way in helping policymakers understand our industry and ensure the rules governing it develop in reasonable, business-friendly ways.

And lastly, could you summarise Dentsu Aegis Network in one word?


