DEOS Games Cashback model for DEOS token holders and players

DEOS Games
DEOS Games
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2018

DEOS Games is on its way to add more games as per timeline with introducing 2 new games per month. We are keen to improve our games by speed and user base, by investing into our bankroll, growth and introducing user friendly cashback model.

Cashback model is a way DEOS Games early adopters and DEOS token holders can benefit by utilizing DEOS product.

  1. Cashback to be implemented on a weekly basis.

2. Cashback can be activated on a weekly basis between Monday 1:00 AM and 10:00 AM GMT, by sending/freezing DEOS tokens. Payouts on cashback will be done automatically on a weekly basis if player reaches 0.1 EOS threshold.

3. Minimal amount of DEOS to put into cashback is 25 000 DEOS.

4. Cashback is calculated from earnings that are equal to 60% of total DEOS Games profits on a weekly basis.

5. The rest 40% will be distributed to the team and company operating expenses(30%) and growing bankroll(10%). Initially, we consider increasing bankroll growing percentage to make higher bets.

6. Moreover, 80% from weekly cashback distribution(from those 60%) amount will go to users cashback proportionally per each user. 20% to be distributed per user’s activity during the period of payout.

Following are bonuses you can obtain by getting more activities proportionally to DEOS tokens you put into cashout stake:

Rookie: 0.1% of total bets in EOS to DEOS stake, 1.01x multiplier

(e.g. you put 1M of DEOS into cashback, you will need to play for 1000 EOS within current active cashback period)

Soldier: 0.3%, 1.03x multiplier

Lieutenant: 0.5% , 1.05x multiplier

Captain: 0.7% of total bets in EOS to DEOS stake, 1.07x multiplier

Major: 1% of total bets in EOS to DEOS stake, 1.1x multiplier

Colonel: 5% , 1.5x multiplier

General: 10%, 2x multiplier

Note. Bonus list might be updated by adding more bonus levels in the future.

Example 1:

Week Start EOS Bankroll: 10k EOS

Users Stake for cashback: 4M DEOS

EOS Bankroll at the end of the period: 30k EOS

20K EOS to be distributed:

2000 EOS (10%) goes to increase games bankroll.

12000 EOS (60%) goes to cashback payouts. And,

80% out of 12000 EOS goes to users proportionally per each user’s stake in DEOS.

20% to be distributed per user’s activity during the period of cashback payout.

User1 had 100k of DEOS and got no games played. So receives 0 EOS at the end of the period, as no activation happened.

User2 had 100k of DEOS and got 20(any EOS token game, any bet size) games played. User receives 240 EOS at the end of the period.

User3 had 100k of DEOS and got a 10% activity bonus. This calculates among all users that eligible for a bonus, let’s say 1M of DEOS holders are eligible for 5% bonus on average. This means 1.05 M(2M plus 5%*2M) of ‘adjusted DEOS total’ is equal to 20%(2400 EOS out of 12000EOS).

User3 has 10% bonus and 100k DEOS in cashout balance, so (110k / 1.05M) * 2400 EOS equals to 251.5 EOS

User3 gets a total of 491.5 EOS paid by cashback program.

Example 2:

Week Start EOS Bankroll: 20k EOS

Users Stake: 50 M

EOS Bankroll at end of the period: 18k EOS

0 EOS to be distributed:

Users lost nothing, however, at that week no cashback payout will be done. Cashback payouts will start only when previous week start bankroll is reached, in this case, 20k EOS.

* Team tokens are not eligible for cashback!

Implementation period by 20th October 2018

Launch period by 27th October 2018.

*Dates might be subject to change.

3 ways how to get more ​DEOS​ tokens:

1) Users can claim tokens from airdrop/snapshot. Check the Medium article on how to do it, Hard deadline 31 December 2018

2) DEOS Games put 100M of DEOS tokens into the game prize pool. Right now users receive 1 DEOS: 1 EOS wagered in all EOS token games, current active pool is around 10 M of DEOS tokens.

3) Buy more on exchanges. Currently, DEOS is available at Newdex, Dexeos, Southex, and Bancor is coming.

4) Win more DEOS at zero* edge games. Every game that is provided by DEOS Games and played with DEOS token has no house edge.

* Upon introducing and implementing cashback model, all DEOS token based games will have 1% fee that will be taken out to instantly burn DEOS tokens.

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Disclaimer: This information is provided on “as is” basis, and shall not constitute an offer, financial and investment advice or any of its elements under any jurisdiction. The information herein is provided to give an overview of presumed actions to be taken by DEOS Games.



DEOS Games
DEOS Games

DEOS Games is a project that aims to launch truly decentralized, provably fair games on EOS blockchain