F.D Signifier

The algorithm taketh away, and the algorithm giveth

Department of Based Content Creators
2 min readNov 7, 2021


F.D Signifier. Source: YouTube screen capture

Last time, I complained about being trapped in an algorithm-generated media feed full of white guys. So I went to my accounts and checked who I was following.

I’m following all sorts of diverse people and perspectives. I’ve got hundreds of accounts in my list, with a significant portion being minority voices. I remember watching them all the time in the past, too. I don’t know why I don’t see any of their faces in my feed these days, but they’re right there in my follow lists.


Clearly the work of a satanic cabal, am I right? Guys? GUYS?!

Back to the person this is actually about

Anyway, I can think of no better video to start with given the above than F.D Signifier’s video on Bo Burnham and Bo’s special Inside.

The video starts with him hilariously referencing other black creators and how they’re clueless on who Bo is or what he does. He also hits on something worth noting — black culture is now very influential on white youth, and once upon a time, us old millennials (he and I are probably about the same age) saw a “white youth” music culture that was separate from “black youth” music culture.

It wasn’t good, usually — a lot of nu metal was absolutely terrible — but it’s an interesting thing to note with regards to the merging of a lot of pop-culture between formerly more-disparate groups. And the interesting things to note are the repercussions of that realization, which is what the video is about.

You should watch it. It’s good.

He also digs into Chappelle’s recent special The Closer and the controversy around it, and has some trans POC interviews he’s done interspersed throughout to add more context.

Here’s a video on how to not be an ally to marginalized groups.

From the video’s description:

In this video, I’m going to give some broad strokes on how and why Hollywood is so bad at showing what it means to be an ally (which is why most of us are also bad at it) and I’m also going to talk to some experts in the field who teach people what good allyship looks like and why it’s so hard for a lot of people to understand.

And that video has his first sponsorship in it, too! And it’s not Raid: Shadow Legends!

Anyway, F.D Signifier has some well-made, well-sourced videos, and you should subscribe to his YouTube channel.

Check out F.D Signifier’s accounts below.

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