Innuendo Studios

Studying the alt-right playbook and Gamergate through video essays

Department of Based Content Creators
2 min readNov 11, 2021


Innuendo Studios. Source: Twitter

If you want to understand the philosophies, ideas, rhetoric, and motivation that is behind the alt-right, then you need to watch this creator. Their series titled “The Alt-Right Playbook” is a massive playlist of invaluable insight and information.

Well-sourced information and a cohesive art style

Here’s the first video in “The Alt-Right Playbook,” which lays out the basis for its creation. It’s a must-watch series.

Ian Danskin is the personality behind Innuendo Studios. You’ve probably heard of this channel, since he has become popular/influential enough to have his own Wikipedia entry.

When the pandemic started, he developed a series called “CO-VIDs,” which are just shorter-form videos about games, comics, movies, politics, etc.

I definitely share this sentiment when it comes to my writing. As long as I can write about it, it was great to learn along the way. Well, it was great to learn about a topic regardless, but the ability to write about it is a nice bonus. I don’t make money off of it, though, so it’s not a job… yet.

He also talks about and dissects the whole Gamergate “culture war” fiasco.

And here is the start of “Why Are You So Angry?” — a six-part series on angry gamers and Gamergate.

Ian’s work is a masterpiece of social commentary, and you should have watched it by now. If not… go do that.

Check out Innuendo Studios’ (or Ian Danskin’s, depending on how you look at it) accounts below.

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