That Dang Dad

Former police officer turned abolitionist, former inbound marketer turned leftist content creator

Department of Based Content Creators
2 min readNov 4, 2021


That Dang Dad. Source: Twitter

That Dang Dad caught my eye a while ago when I watched his video on how the left has a marketing problem. He’s right. I can’t recommend watching that video enough. If you’re trying to provide resources for knowledge growth concerning a particular political cause, you have to understand — radicals have a marketing problem.

Have a kid, become a radical

If you’re wondering why he’s speaking in such hushed tones, I assume it’s because when he started making videos he had just become a new dad. If you know anything about new dads, the only time they’d be able to make a video is at night when everyone including the baby is asleep. It looks like that style has stayed.

He usually puts out a video once every week or two. And now that I am going over his videos, I’ve remembered the very first video of his that I watched. It’s about the lies he told as a cop.

There are some similarities there with the military, too. Any infantryman being honest about their deployment probably knows what I am talking about.

He also has a focus on accessibility and UX/UI concerns. That’s that inbound marketer in him, I’m sure. He’s obviously going to want to add captions to his video content if he’s trying to get information to groups who have disabilities or issues with traditional media presentation.

Check out his piece on how conservatives aren’t wrong about liberty, because hey, guess what? Not every idea you hear conservatives mouth off about is wrong!

Remember, every pearl started as a grain of sand — a terrible, irritating grain of sand.

And it looks like he heard the same message that I heard — loud and clear — from the Democrats in this last election. I hope they like discovering just how much us progressives matter to them when they lose their seats. Maybe they’ll care at the next mass protest. I hope it’s during Biden’s term, too.

I won’t hold my breath. I doubt Phil will, either.

Check out That Dang Dad’s accounts below.

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