The Beginning of a New Role

On Aug. 1, 2017 I officially stepped into my new role as Secretary of the Department of Children, Youth, and Families. I can’t fully describe how excited, nervous, and hopeful I am about taking on this work. In the short time since the bill establishing the new agency passed, I have already heard from staff and community members about how much opportunity and promise this new enterprise offers to the children and families of Washington State. I am bolstered by your enthusiasm for change and improvement, and humbled by the dedication of all of you.

Our brand new agency is still very small. Joining me today are Lynne McGuire, Project Director, and Kari Johnston, Executive Assistant. We have a new office on the 3rd floor of the 1500 Jefferson Building. The bill creating DCYF also envisions standing up the Office of Innovation, Alignment, and Accountability in the first quarter, and we are starting to explore how best to do this.

The next year is going to be about hearing from people all across Washington State about the services that the Children’s Administration, Department of Early Learning, and Juvenile Justice currently provide. I don’t walk into this work lightly, or ignorant of the many challenges we face, but I remain committed to a very transparent and meaningful engagement on this project.

That’s why I’ll be out speaking with foster parents about how to make the system work better for them; with young people involved in the foster and justice systems to find out what we’re getting right and where the cracks are that they might fall through; and staff at juvenile justice facilities to hear their thoughts about eliminating our preschool to prison pipeline. I’m going to meet with tribes, birth parents, child care providers, CPS case workers, and many others.

My goal? To design and put in place a system that has better outcomes for children and is more equitable, with social justice and racial equity at its very core.

Do you know an organization, community group, or service provider that I or my team should be learning from? Fill out this simple form and my team will work on getting me out to you.

Success on July 1, 2018 means that all client-facing services affected by the merger are seamless, continuous, and harmonious. We want to minimize risk and maximize our return on structural changes. That means that the new practice model and innovation are not simply a one year process, or an overnight implementation. We have a year to design how we want to move forward, so on July 1 next year we can begin the many phases of implementation. This is hard work, but I know we are up to the task.

Ross Hunter, Secretary of the Department of Children, Youth, and Families, on a visit to a KidSpace Day Care program during his tenure as Director of the Department of Early Learning.

Those who have worked with me know that I welcome feedback. Email me at or fill out the comment form below. I look forward to working with all of you.

Ross Hunter, Secretary



Department of Children, Youth, and Families
Department of Children, Youth, and Families

The Department of Children, Youth, and Families is a new WA State agency serving at-risk children and their families. Learn more at