Status of the Department of Homeland Security

Its recent changes and additions

The Department of Homeland Security
6 min readMar 7, 2017


Recently, the Department of Homeland Security has been undergoing major changes. Since the resignation of President TheySinned, Vice President purgesabre, White House Chief of Staff devTools, and the former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, rtrn, the department has been through a slight slowdown. As a result of the resignations, the department took time to reform in order to ensure stability within the department after the recent changes in our government and to, further, enhance and increase the presence of department personnel in our communities of whom ensure our homeland remains resilient.

The Secretary of Homeland Security has selected and strongly suggested, then, Federal Protective Service Director Frosty6540 as the next Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security and has selected and suggested JASVlN to take over as Director of the Federal Protective Service. Both nominees have been approved and are now in full-scale effect and are hard at work in their respective positions. We are glad to have them and are looking forward to their tenures.

The Homeland Security has begun with a change in the ranking system. The former Homeland Security ranks, which have been voiced to the department administration, were not interactive enough and did not allow personnel the excitement of achieving new ranks through hard work and effort. The former ranks were simply “storage” ranks for Homeland Security components and didn’t necessarily offer Homeland Security personnel much ranking opportunities to achieve. The Secretary of Homeland Security and Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security have drafted new ranks as follows:

  • Probationary Agent
  • Field Agent
  • Senior Field Agent
  • Special Agent
  • Senior Special Agent
  • Special Service Team
  • Supervisory Special Agent
  • Special Agent-in-Charge
  • Management Staff
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Under Secretary
  • Executive Secretary
  • Chief of Staff
  • Deputy Secretary
  • Secretary

The style of the above ranks are to bring about a sense of interdependence and cooperation between ranks. Apart from allowing more achievements for the Homeland Security personnel, the ranks ensure that everyone is working together and everyone are reporting to one another, assisting one another, and relying on one another to successfully carry out tasks. The systems of the ranking structure are as follows:

  • Probationary Agent

Probationary Agents are newly employed personnel. These employees must be serviced for one week and must attend general orientation before being eligible for promotion to Field Agent.

  • Field Agent

Field Agents have been serviced for one week, have attended general orientation, and have received a promotion to Field Agent.

  • Senior Field Agent

Senior Field Agents have been in constant active service, have properly attended events, and have portrayed exceptional behavior while on duty.

  • Special Agent

Special Agents have shown understanding of their duties and the department, have given exceptional service and activity, and have been promoted to Special Agent. Special Agents have a wider role of ensuring the ranks inferior to them are properly carrying out and understanding their duties within the department on the field.

  • Senior Special Agent

Senior Special Agents have shown exceptional understanding and capability in all the above stated. Senior Special Agents will oversee the Special Agents performances on the field and in general and will ensure that everyone is properly carrying out their duties smoothly and efficiently and will provide assistance and guidance to inferior personnel.

  • Special Service Team

The Special Service Team is an elite, combat-based component of the Homeland Security. Personnel gain admittance into the division by trying out and being approved by the Special Service Team command. The Special Service Team personnel are under direct control of the Special Service Team command and all ranks superior to their placement within the Homeland Security ranks. The Special Service Team personnel hold superiority to ranks inferior to their rank placement.

  • Supervisory Special Agent

Supervisory Special Agents have, through the journey of the ranks below them, shown beyond exceptional service, dedication, activity, and knowledge within the department and have achieved a supervisor rank. The supervisors will, as the rank states, supervise the ranks and personnel below them and will ensure all personnel are efficiently and properly carrying out their duties. Any questions or concerns ranks below them have will report directly to their supervisors for clearance or assistance. Supervisory Special Agents will also supervise the performance of the Special Agents and Senior Special Agents to ensure that they are actively on the field assisting and directing inferior ranks.

  • Special Agent-in-Charge

Special Agents-in-Charge will have similar roles as Supervisory Special Agents. All inquiries, comments, concerns, or assistance from inferior ranks, including direction requests from Supervisory Special Agents, will go directly to Special Agents-in-Charge for direction commands. The Special Agents-in-Charge will, according to the current number of supervisors, command a group of 2–4 supervisors and they will instruct their supervisors to carry out certain department-related tasks such as holding events, responding to an incident or question, etc.

For example:

2 Special Agents-in-Charge, 4 Supervisory Special Agents = 1 Special Agent-in-Charge will command 2 Supervisory Special Agents and the remaining Special Agent-in-Charge will command the remaining 2 Supervisory Special Agents.

Supervisory Special Agents and Special Agents-in-Charge will meet with the Secretary of Homeland Security, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Chief of Staff weekly to report to them, in regard to Special Agents-in-Charge, the progress of their Supervisory Special Agents and, in regards to Supervisory Special Agents, the progress of the ranks inferior to them.

  • Management Staff

Management Staff are selected by the Homeland Security command as the heads of certain roles such as heads of events, heads of discipline, heads of boards, assistants, etc.; roles to manage department-related affairs.

  • Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretaries have worked tirelessly and have achieved this rank.

The rank also consists of the Head of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers and deputy heads of divisions (the Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the Special Service Team).

  • Under Secretary

Under Secretaries have worked tirelessly and have achieved this rank.

The rank also consists of heads of divisions (the Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the Special Service Team).

  • Executive Secretary

Executive Secretaries consist of the heads of the internal and public affairs.

  • Chief of Staff

The Chief of Staff is, as the title states, the chief of the Homeland Security staff. He stands at the head of the agency and oversees and commands all ranks inferior to him. After extraordinary service, dedication, and loyalty to the department, the Chief of Staff has tirelessly worked to achieve this role.

The Chief of Staff also serves as an assistant to the Secretaries of Homeland Security as the third-in-command of the agency.

  • Deputy Secretary
  • Secretary

Along with the changes in the Homeland Security ranking structure, which we hope to see flourish the inter-dependency, activity, and cooperation of the agency and its personnel, the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security are planning to re-establish the Homeland Security Council.

The Homeland Security Council, as of now, will serve only internally to the Department of Homeland Security. They will vote on department-related implementations, will motion their additions, will discuss the implementation of new department-wide or agency-wide policy, vote on the implementation of Homeland Security Threats, motion personnel dismissals, motion department blacklists, and more.

The Homeland Security Council will be headed by the Chairman of the Council who, much like Congress, will not be required to vote unless breaking a tie within the council members. The council will consist of 5 councilmen and one chairman, totaling to 6 members in the Homeland Security Council.

As the troubles of the recent events come to a close, the Department of Homeland Security has stood on track and has not faltered. From here, the department will grow stronger and we hope to see the, as above stated, inter-dependency, cooperation, unity, and work-ethic within the department increase greatly with the incoming plans and the newly appointed command.

The department’s public affairs is up and running and will be hosting press and public conferences and will be releasing other department-related announcements — keep an eye out!

Thank you for your patience in reading this, we hope you’ve enjoyed, and have a nice day.



The Department of Homeland Security

The official Medium account of the Secretary of Homeland Security for the rapidaax administration.