The First Meeting of the Administration

Our first steps towards a stronger department

The Department of Homeland Security
3 min readJan 23, 2017


The administration of the Department of Homeland Security, with the directors of the Federal Protective Service and the Secret Service in attendance, met today in order to introduce to one another their incoming plans and ideas, to get insight into their colleagues’ plans and ideas, to pitch comments, concerns, and tips to their colleagues in an effort to help them build or improve upon their plans, to ask one another questions regarding the operations of their departments, and to acquaint one another with the people they will be working alongside.

In regard to the Federal Protective Service, we discussed the integration of the Protection Investigation Unit and how their services can — and will — be further extended to protecting congressional members. We also discussed the Counter Terrorism Unit and how they’d benefit their role further with slight re-tasking.

It was pleasing to hear that the growth of the Federal Protective Service is improving and the activity of the personnel is stable. Nonetheless, there is always room for improvement and the agency command have assured us that those improvements will be sought out and achieved.

In regard to the Secret Service, a large discussion was the Secret Service academy, how the academy has been performing excellently in the short time since its launch, a low tolerance with personnel who fail to maintain a level of maturity and discipline, and more. More information will be released as the administration continue to meet.

The Secretary and Deputy Secretary have presented the opening of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, of which will receive proper tasking and will be given work that aligns with the standing of their component. The Office of Intelligence and Analysis will analyze and store personnel reports, will look into any threats to the homeland through terrorist or gang activities, and will involve themselves and offer assistance and intelligence to the Intelligence Community and the Director of National Intelligence on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. This is in an effort to ensure the department is involved in all matters to our homeland, works closely to the Intelligence Community, and has a strong bond with the Director of Intelligence — as it should be.

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers have been put into planning and the administration is currently working and forming a guide for the component that will ensure it is tasked and has an efficient use. Ideas that have come up is that the main core will act as a storage and host staff that report on and collect analysis on the operations of the Department of Homeland Security child agency academies.

Along with this, I have ordered the establishment of a public report center where the citizens have easy access to report any personnel they see abusing their authority, misusing the tools provided to them, or abusing the people around them. All reports will be immediately sent to our database which will be monitored and checked on daily to ensure the department personnel are operating properly and to terminate the employment of personnel who fail to properly serve the nation.

The meeting was a very nice way to introduce one another and hear the incoming plans the administration plan to implement through the term. More meetings will be held by the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary in order to ensure that the department is caught up and continue to work together. Along with this, meeting reports will be released at the result of meetings to ensure a level of transparency to the people is maintained at all times.

Thank you very much!



The Department of Homeland Security

The official Medium account of the Secretary of Homeland Security for the rapidaax administration.