Inclusivity — keepin’ it real

Skepticism meets Idealism

John McIntire
Department of Innovation & Performance
5 min readMar 15, 2019


I have a friend who complains frequently and loudly that all this Pittsburgh is “America’s most livable city” stuff is horse manure, mostly because so many, she feels, are left behind. Where is the effort to include the unincluded she asks?

When people complain government isn’t doing enough to level the playing field, to champion those who have been left out for whatever reason, I often wonder, what these people expect government to do, instantaneously, to correct decades of discrimination and insensitivity ? If these things were easy to fix we’d fix them quickly and end this pattern of a lack of inclusivity.

So while there are no quick fixes, there are efforts underway to at least start the ball rolling, start a conversation and move the ball forward.

I can already feel my friend rolling her eyes because there is no perfect summit, no magic fix to lack of inclusivity. But even if you only view this type of program as a baby step it is a baby step in the right direction.

That’s what the Inclusive Innovation Summit is all about. I can already feel my friend rolling her eyes because there is no perfect summit, no magic fix to lack of inclusivity. But even if you only view this type of program as a baby step it is a baby step in the right direction.

A few highlights

Money is power

Money is power and if you have no access you have no chance.

That’s why Thursday night at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater features Del Johnson, a Principal at Backstage Capital. They focus on funding business projects for women and minorities. Did you know firms like this existed? I did not.

So this is potentially an awesome introduction to how people make decisions on who to fund. And it’s free. And there’s food and entertainment.

Coffee and creativity

Maybe you’d like to start out in a more general sense and just meet some like-minded folks to get an idea of what this is all about. If you like free coffee and food and you enjoy meeting and kibbitzing with others interested in inclusivity, come chill at Creative Mornings on Friday morning downtown.

Did I mention there’s free on-site child care? You shouldn’t be left out because you have children.

History of inequality

Another awesome event is Friday after lunch when Andre Perry of the Brookings Institution gives a keynote speech on structural inequality because of race.

Here’s an Amazon Review of Mr. Perry’s book “Know Your Price. “

“Know Your Price establishes new means of determining value of Black communities. The deliberate devaluation of Blacks and their communities, stemming from America’s centuries-old history of slavery, racism, and other state-sanctioned policies like redlining have tangible, far-reaching, and negative economic and social impacts. Rejecting policies shaped by flawed perspectives, the book gives fresh insights. “

Brain Food

This is a clear and positive effort to let everyone participate without forcing anyone beyond their comfort zone.

It can be difficult and even embarrassing for some folks to discuss mental health. So we try to make you feel comfortable enough to discuss a touchy subject in public with Mental Health Cafe. Here’s a quote from the description of the event. “Participants may choose green for ‘I am open to all conversations,’ yellow for ‘I will start conversations when I am ready,’ and red for ‘I’m just here to listen.’ “

This is a clear and positive effort to let everyone participate without forcing anyone beyond their comfort zone. Because we are trying to include everyone regardless of their level of comfort with public speaking.

Workforce of the future

What will the workforce of the future look like? Are you currently trying to join the workforce fresh out of school ? You might want to attend Saturday’s “Welcoming the Workforce of Tomorrow… Today !” After a workshop to set the scene and the parameters of the coming work force as the hosts of this event see them, there will be an exercise similar to speed dating “where employers and potential employees come together to practice their interview skills, network a bit, and reflect on what they learned.”

Also an awesome part of the Workforce event is they will help you with free headshots, resume advice, and tips on how your social networking can help with your job search. Headshots can be expensive so this is a valuable freebie.

There’s a whole array of speakers and meetings focusing on individuals who are disabled or mentally ill, more opportunities for women and minorities, and ways to attempt to achieve the goal… giving everyone a chance, a shot at participating, a seat at the table.

So much cool stuff, so little time

I can’t possibly describe all the cool stuff that is going down Thursday, Friday and Saturday in this preview blog but if you really want to swim in it and pick and choose a customized package for your own interests you should do two things: check out the website and, this is important, REGISTER.

Government can’t solve everything. It often moves at a glacial pace. But it is our collective system of being in charge of our institutions, our city, and its people.

Mayor Peduto believes in inclusivity. He recognizes the failures of the past and the challenges ahead. This is the fourth year of making this effort and it gets better every year.

So check out the website, register and join us as we try to baby step our way to greater inclusivity and innovation. Free food and drink, childcare, transportation, awesome events and friendly folks determined to make a difference. Hope you can make it.

To learn more about the Inclusive Innovation Summit, follow us on Instagram @weinnovatepgh.To find out more about this diverse multi-layered free, awesome opportunity check out the website . You can download the app too!



John McIntire
Department of Innovation & Performance

Talk Host City Channel Pittsburgh-Story Teller and Writer Tales of the City of Pittsburgh