🍿What’s Poppin’ with DePay? Monthly Recap for May 2021

Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2021

(This email newsletter was sent to our subscribers on 01.06.2021. Sign up on 👉our website to receive important news immediately in your inbox ️✉️ ✅)

The last month has put our flexibility to the test. After the announcement of our upcoming multichain launch, a real limbo dance took place in the markets🕺⬇.

Even though we’ve been shaking our tails in the crypto world for quite some time, this was the first time to see such a dip from a crypto project perspective. We used this time very productively with preparations to make our upcoming BSC launch an outstanding event.

There will be amazing announcements on this topic soon. Sneak peek🤓: DePay holders will be rewarded for their loyalty. Our recent Twitter polls already give it away: we will make our launchpad a (finally) rewarding and fair affair. We hope you’re excited!

Top 3 Highlights✨ of Last Month

1. We launched our dApp after announcing that we now have a partnership with Unmarshal to bring neo-bank experiences to crypto.

2. We received the blue badge on Etherscan and now have a DEXT score of 99.

3. We launched our token community activation campaign on Twitter (example tweet). The campaign is currently in the test phase and the first results are promising.

From the Minds🤔💭 of Team DePay

“There are so many technical improvements and upgrades happening behind the scenes right now. We silently launched our dApp which incorporates early versions of our financial reporting tools, we also started to launch our APIs. Starting to integrate BSC into our payment routing this month was especially challenging as the entire BSC ecosystem was affected by node issues.”
✍ Sebastian Pape, CEO & CTO

„The last month has highlighted to me the importance of timing based on market realities. Fear lowers the reception of marketing messages and lowers the desired output, which many crypto projects with great marketing campaigns have certainly felt in recent days. We are looking forward to the upcoming BSC launch campaigns like children to their birthday.”
✍ Alexander Paul, CMO

“It has been an interesting learning curve when diving into the data available for transaction reporting. It has allowed us to formulate some novel ideas that we plan to implement within our product portfolio.”
✍ Aleksandar Mladenovic, CFO

“DePay has been developing great! Each day I can see us getting closer to having a crypto wide adoption, a utility app where any crypto can be given a chance to be used as a source of payment for any website for any type of purchase or transfer.”
✍ Ming-Chun Lee, Ambassador

This was our first newsletter. From now on you will receive a monthly recap and important announcements via email.



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