Today I meet with Neurology.

Heather Thompson
Into the Crucible by Novelorica
2 min readMay 10, 2019

Yesterday I had the most wonderful meeting with my rheumatologist. Gosh.... to have such empathetic and kind doctors is truly a gift. I've set up two weeks of appts with specialists just as if I was back at the mayo clinic. It's time for a big reevaluation of my case and my treatment.

We're going to try antibiotic therapy on the reactive arthritis. It's a little scary because the antibiotic has been known to cause issues in people with myesthenic disease, but if my neuro agrees, then we are gonna give it a go. It's far less dangerous than immunosuppressive at the moment. I assume today we will make a decision to give my body a break from ivig for a while too, which also means a break from the massive prednisone doses. I'll know more tonight.

But here’s what we do know...
My immune system is not working properly. Autoimmune Dysautonomia can present in variety of ways. I have lots of diagnoses that revolve around this one fundamental problem. I’m seeing the immunologist next week... and i’m told that the most challenging adult immunology cases are sent to Children’s... which is where I may end up.

I pray for answers, but I don't need them. What I need is healing... well...i don't even need that....i simply need the grace to do God's will. I feel as if things are shifting, so I shall boldly follow the nudges.... and see where it leads.



Heather Thompson
Into the Crucible by Novelorica

HUMAN | AcquiredSavant Artist | Synesthesia | Poet | Entrepreneur | HealthcareFuturist -AI | Published Worldwide | KeynoteSpeaker | Contemplative | RareDisease