2D VS 3D in VR

Notes on exploring space genesis in virtual reality

3 min readFeb 20, 2017


Medium VS Quill using an Oculus rift

In this post, I’ll focus on content produced by me FOR VR and IN VR using Quill software and an Oculus Rift. Sharing my personal experience, the following should not be read as big rules but more as a testimony.

Cubemap produced by Quill In-app Camera

A painting tool

Since the begining, painting is a 2D art, and doesn’t interact with the space in a VR way (not a VR practice, maybe an AR practice ? ok ok, but not VR) and I was thinking that 2D had nothing or not a lot to do with VR, and the same for 2D tools.

HighFidelity, virtual world

I began to apprehend the space in VR using Medium or HighFidelity (an open source software for creating, hosting, and exploring shared VR experiences) and it’s more than ok, a step forward in my practice of that now traditional (old fashioned ?) 3D modeling, now producing an immaterial object in an immaterial space. But…

Quill and its approach of painting “the virtual space”, produce an unexpected (for me at least) mashup between 2D and 3D and brings my exploration to a next level.

infinite scalability

I feel confortable in the capacity that Quill have and give me to work with textures , combine, scale and dive in, to reveal spatiality. I do apreciate tools producing results beyond expectations.





I’m a french/morrocan artist based in Paris. Architect, I have always been interested in the relation built environment/atmosphere.