Depos monthly newsletter, October 2019

Oleg Bakatanov
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2019

First month of LongHash/ZilHive Incubation Program, dBonds on Zilliqa and “go-to-market” strategy sharpening

First week of ZilHive program has been quite intensive and fully packed with great workshops on building robust business models, creating compelling stories and pitches, public presentations and sales strategies. Many thanks to LongHash team for bringing to the classrom inspiring speakers, one of the best in their field in Singapore. We also want to thank workshop authors Eric Saint Andre, Tom Abbott, Han Wen Chua, Eugene Cheng and Darren Tay for the great quality content.

In October we started to implement dBond tokenization protocol (to tokenize traditional bonds) on Zilliqa blockchain according to grant agreement signed between Zilliqa Research Pte and Depos Technologies. dBond implementation is a first building block to make Depos stablecoin (a stablecoin collateralized by high-quality bonds) available on Zilliqa blockchain.

Speaking of bond tokenization, last month we received a lot of positive feedback on our proof of concept with tokenizing Deutsche Bank bond within Depos. We are still sharpening the transparency and some particulars of the custodian setup, but anyway, we see the interest and will continue working on this approach.
We also faced a ridiculous reaction of some crypto-related media, who invented their own stories based on the news about our experiment. Some of them spreaded the fake that Deutsche Bank itself building plans to tokenize bonds on EOS or we are a part of DB team. We want to stress once again, that we don’t cooperate with Deutsche Bank on any of these matters and tokenized a bond freely available on the market.

As we are approaching our public seed-round fundraising, we continue to talk to market participants and our mentors, looking for the most immediate use cases where our stablecoin approach could help.

We confirm our hypothesis that most of the blockchain ecosystems either public, private or corporate think to have a stablecoin within it as an instrument for payments, trading and hedging.

Blockchains, exchanges and dApps, which want to integrate stablecoin in their ecosystem, obviously, help this stablecoin to increase adoption, supply and, finally, its revenues. Surprisingly, but existing stablecoins don’t share any revenues with entities who virtually help them to spread. In some cases they even want to be paid for integration.

At the meantime, model provided by Depos lets stablecoin supporters earn interest on the stablecoins they helped to bring to the market.
In other words, you receive net interest on every single stablecoin you produced with us and sold to your clients/customers/user base.

We see the great market opportunity here. Building a stablecoin ecosystem, which is not only transparent and reliable, but also bringing long-term passive income to ecosystem agents which support it, could be a strong market advantage.

We are looking forward to establish new partnerships and grow the adoption of debt-collateralized stablecoin approach.

