Depos monthly newsletter, September 2019

Oleg Bakatanov
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2019

First bond tokenized, LongHash Incubation program and start building on Zilliqa

Last month was full of important events for Depos project and Depos team. We finished tokenization of the first bond on our platform which is going to be a building block for issuing first stablecoins collateralized by high-quality corporate debt. The first tokenized bond is USD-nominated bond of the largest German bank Deutsche Bank AG.

We did it together with UK-based Queen Street Finance, which also shared our vision on how our approach to issue stable cryptocurrencies can change financial industry. You can read more about first bond issuance here.

On September 30th we joined 3rd batch of LongHash Incubator in Singapore (ZILHive batch). LongHash is the first blockchain incubator officially supported by Singapore Government.

Depos intro at ZILHive launch

Together with four other great blockchain projects we will go through 12 weeks of master-classes, mentoring sessions, pitching exercises and consultations with top blockchain experts in Asia. ZILHive batch will graduate with DemoDay event and following road show in several important blockchain and fintech hubs.

ZILHive batch teams

As an important part of ZILHive incubation program we will start building another “Decentralized Bank” on Zilliqa blockchain. Zilliqa is a new generation high-throughput blockchain platform which first succesfully implemented sharding on its mainnet.

Our ambition is to build the first stablecoin on Zilliqa blockchain, implementing new, transparent and scalable approach which have never been implemented before in any other stablecoin solution.

