DeQuest and Path of Survival allied together!

Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2022

Tired yet, anon?

Questers, I hope you’re not exhausted from all these bullish announcements! The GameFi space is flourishing like never before, and it’s important for us to invite as many games into our family as possible. This time we roll out the red carpet for Path of Survival!

As you may very well know, DeQuest is a Metaverse hub with a focus on gamified learning and user reputation building, and as such Path of Survival fits our values and goals perfectly. They are a Multiplayer RPG game with an RTS mode, NFT-based perks, and a player-driven economy — we are very excited for our community to find out more about what Path of Survival is all about. One to watch!

As with most of our recent game partnerships, we will explore the Metaverse together, focusing on developing valuable and rewarding opportunities to our respective communities, including working together with the common goal of bringing entertaining, engaging and educational adventures. There will be token rewards up for grabs, and of course Soulbound Tokens, all the while learning skills to guide you through their world.

Soulbound Tokens (SBTs)

Soulbound Tokens cannot be sold or moved to another wallet, in contrast to other NFTs. The value they offer is a Metaverse representation of your skills and game knowledge. They are a unique item and can only be obtained by individuals who can prove their knowledge of Path of Survival and its Metaverse! Questers can record their reputation and accomplishments on the blockchain thanks to DeQuest’s ability to tokenize actions and achievements with SBTs.

Path of Survival SBTs and the DeQuest Metapassport

The Path of Survival Soulbound Tokens (SBT) will be added to your GameFi identity via DeQuest’s proprietary MetaPassport, which serves as your ID throughout the whole Metaverse. To increase the number of abilities and trophies on your profile, perform various tasks such as connecting your Steam account and completing additional missions on the DeQuest platform.

The MetaPassport is a crucial part of the DeQuest Reputation Layer, identifying a new generation of players who are actually improving web3 ecosystems. High-level MetaPassport users will have access to private forums for open discussions with like-minded players of similar skill levels, as well as exclusive awards and game beta testing.

About Path of Survival

Path of Survival is an RPG Play and Earn game, featuring real-time turn-based strategic (RTS) combat. The game is Free to Play and includes both PvP and PvE modes. Earning will come with game progression and its unique “Team to Earn” mechanic allowing players to group in clans and alliances to win Survival Coin (SRV), in-game resources, and various itemized NFTs.

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About DeQuest

Every day there are new GameFi projects, and all gamers, investors and collectors need a way to filter through the noise. DeQuest does this by leveraging community, gamification, and mutually beneficial partnerships, all of which is harmonized into a Web3 platform that teaches, empowers, and rewards forward-thinking users.

DeQuest is the first platform of its kind for Metaverse users who want to understand blockchain gaming concepts, through skill level progression and guided learning. It serves as a bridge to easily track users’ knowledge and skill levels across Metaverse ecosystems, as well as their ability to carry out different jobs in the Web3 world.

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