DeQuest joins forces with the Fabwelt Ecosystem

Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2022

An interesting one for you, Questers!

We’re not just partnering with a game this time, but with a blossoming and ambitious gaming ecosystem of tools and games that includes universal NFTs, cross-game identity, multi-tiered tournaments, and native games. Not bad, right? Please welcome Fabwelt to our family, including their latest game offering, Arsenal!

As you may very well know, DeQuest is a Metaverse hub with a focus on gamified learning and user reputation building, and as such Fabwelt fits our values and goals perfectly. Because of the wide scope of both our projects and what we’re attempting to achieve, we believe we have a lot in common and can’t wait to leverage our strengths to improve the GameFi space for the better.

As with most of our recent game partnerships, we will explore the Metaverse together, focusing on developing valuable and rewarding opportunities to our respective communities, including working together with the common goal of bringing entertaining, engaging and educational adventures. There will be token rewards up for grabs, and of course Soulbound Tokens, all the while learning skills to guide you through their world. You can also expect DeQuest to work on a dedicated Realm (Game Page) for Fabwelt’s Arsenal, a 3D FPS with P2E and NFT integrations.


Realms are dedicated Game Pages that create an interactive and gamified experience for users, taking advantage of Web3 innovations along the way. Users visiting Realms can earn points by completing game-specific tasks and achievements, to then spend those points on a bespoke marketplace to purchase NFTs, participate in raffles and more. Everything happens seamlessly and effortlessly, providing a Web3-native experience that will serve as a blueprint on how users interact with informational game pages in the future.

Soulbound Tokens (SBTs)

Soulbound Tokens cannot be sold or moved to another wallet, in contrast to other NFTs. The value they offer is a Metaverse representation of your skills and game knowledge. They are a unique item and can only be obtained by individuals who can prove their knowledge of Arsenal and its Metaverse! Questers can record their reputation and accomplishments on the blockchain thanks to DeQuest’s ability to tokenize actions and achievements with SBTs.

Arsenal SBTs and the DeQuest Metapassport

The Arsenal Soulbound Tokens (SBT) will be added to your GameFi identity via DeQuest’s proprietary MetaPassport, which serves as your ID throughout the whole Metaverse. To increase the number of abilities and trophies on your profile, perform various tasks such as connecting your Steam account and completing additional missions on the DeQuest platform.

The MetaPassport is a crucial part of the DeQuest Reputation Layer, identifying a new generation of players who are actually improving web3 ecosystems. High-level MetaPassport users will have access to private forums for open discussions with like-minded players of similar skill levels, as well as exclusive awards and game beta testing.

About Fabwelt

Fabwelt is a ground-breaking concept that integrates blockchain technology into the heart of high-quality games of all types and genres. With in-game NFTs, Play to Earn, and Defi, we create a high-end gaming ecosystem and enhance the fun. A multi-genre gaming ecosystem that includes genres such as 3D First Person Shooter, Action-Adventure, Simulation, Strategy, Fantasy, and many others. In-game NFTs as assets, collectibles, and strategic utilities resurrect the fun of Blockchain gaming.

We incorporate all of our games into a never-before-seen digital reality. This is referred to as the Gamingverse. We provide the technology to have never-ending fun with features like Universal NFTs, digital cross-game identification, and multi-tiered tournaments, which are powered by gamers.

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About Arsenal

Play now: Arsenal Website and Download

Arsenal is a 3D First Person Shooter multiplayer game for the Fabwelt Gaming Ecosystem and Metaverse. It utilizes in-game NFTs as assets, collectibles, and utilities. In-game assets are all blockchain collectibles that users utilize in playing the game. As blockchain-based items, in-game assets can be freely withdrawn from the game for other uses such as collateral on decentralized lending protocol, staking, gifting, or passing it down as an inheritance. In-game assets can be seen as a commodity.

It has a “battleground” look and feels and it’s fully integrated with blockchain technology. Pay to Play and Play to Earn are integrated in such a way, that it attracts everyday players as well as professional players around the world, to get incentives and fun. Many different types of maps are included like big maps for sniping, and small maps for fast close combat.

Learn more about Arsenal in our tutorial on gitbook:

About DeQuest

Every day there are new GameFi projects, and all gamers, investors and collectors need a way to filter through the noise. DeQuest does this by leveraging community, gamification, and mutually beneficial partnerships, all of which is harmonized into a Web3 platform that teaches, empowers, and rewards forward-thinking users.

DeQuest is the first platform of its kind for Metaverse users who want to understand blockchain gaming concepts, through skill level progression and guided learning. It serves as a bridge to easily track users’ knowledge and skill levels across Metaverse ecosystems, as well as their ability to carry out different jobs in the Web3 world.

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