Competition Winners, and Bug Hunt Session 2 kickoff!

Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2022
Bug hunt session 2 is starting!

Hello traders,

This update covers

  • Competition Session 1, 2, and 3 PnL Winners!
  • Bug hunt findings (and next steps!)
  • Roadmap updates

Cambrian Competition Sessions 1, 2, and 3

These trading sessions were the first “competition sessions” with DDX prizes both for PNL winners of each session, and DDX trade mining rewards. As a reminder, there are 3 sessions, each with its own PnL winner.

Here are the top 10 addresses on PnL for each session. If you’re the winner, keep an eye out for an email from a address!

Session 1

Winner — 0x5e4e3ea640f80004831135e83fcfb843b2c5c3b5

PNL — 15982326.21938440000000000


0xae151dcf15fd71021a617007ae77e269df8dcbf9 ($7729490.46)

0x358421455637f314b188228495f7a600a52382f2 ($6309380.36)

0x68c981faf746486b92a2409525827ec02a3faba1 ($6091447.37)

0x2f325038d7a19817b463a2b5f48095b3eb7286e8 ($5418121.69)

0x4b3cb2c16f14886564f6bb179741f43e18c6ca02 ($5106466.60)

0x89dfea399ce72975993ffd6cd59fe4fccc4e2240 ($5097213.29)

0x20bcbd5f6f8e1e02a1c255107d5ba0ef080abefc ($4345791.39)

0x5a0542f0471def796c0a579b3d168946d0f896b4 ($4041241.91)

0x75d916eb472e75940352c7304eb730edb0a91242 ($3893689.97)

Session 2

Winner — 0xae151dcf15fd71021a617007ae77e269df8dcbf9

PNL — 3,092,566.80


0x0f1cd4fa19c96614db4185caa26e35aa5dd5392e ($1,999,439.48)

0xb33b8dfd70b2bc4d7920316f2311f647769a2a9b ($1,090,783.23)

0x0c81f980c9bc245f26dc22c66eea52c4fd82f017 ($870,471.87)

0xf097b085a7fa1e47ddba3e5869013f7fc8ee8485 ($453,087.26)

0xd8055019dc44565bd0116323b28cab9fd0d959be ($358,244.80)

0x35ed01d7a947b5d58f0c5bb5a6a4be7064dd315b ($274,186.47)

0x10d980858af2ebb6b715dc6f6c59f6e2f1b60022 ($243,650.49)

0x6923715b3bd2f55153fdfe638508af9ac1a5f5e6 ($241,710.83)

0xaccf7803c88b05846c46946d7b46418a9adad578 ($231,293.93)

Session 3

Winner — 0x93a4e1bb31a1c7e617edc57c5aa003a7ffffe949
PNL — $1,272,158.00


0x0c81f980c9bc245f26dc22c66eea52c4fd82f017 ($299,057.09)

0x306ccb6e7bb1f616fb5568812e49b86381d304d9 ($242,596.67)

0x56e2c8efbe8c62c033fea417789f42617d94ded9 ($230,266.18)

0xd604dd0302ac8eaae9b86323e6a8ded2223ed6f3 ($197,000.14)

0xf1e8e4dc53b3ba1a064b51277165dd4c3e1c5391 ($176,688.25)

0x9a62a930b29f89a63743c8a503dc2f1103802d13 ($160,019.94)

0x358421455637f314b188228495f7a600a52382f2 ($159,082.64)

0x7306395add22588b59137a3c9331b7108406be6d ($152,996.16)

0xdfdea862f75659d8d5ce9d598a2be194013d2bff ($131,207.41)

DDX mining prizes:

All participants who are eligible have also earned trade mining prizes in testnet. However, to maximize each participant’s balance and minimize the gas paid in claiming, these prizes will be aggregated and announced after all testnet competitions are complete.

So — stay tuned for more trade mining prize opportunities and to learn when you can claim your prize!

Bug Hunt Session 1

This session came across several important issues that the team is working on.

Timestamping —

A bug was found causing all the timestamps to be the same on the order tables. This bug has been resolved in the dev version, but will not come into the release version until the next session. Reporting this bug again is not necessary!

Token approval / deposits ordering —

This bug prevents some users from normally depositing, if they attempt to deposit before the transaction approving USDC is complete. This bug is still active, but will be prevented by disallowing deposits until the USDC approval has completed. Please don’t continue to report this one, it’s on the roadmap!

Leverage slider / buttons edge behavior —

these UI tools are not 100% accurate at the moment. This is being addressed and a fix will be shipped in an upcoming release. No need to report this one, it’s on the roadmap now!

Missing Payment History data —

this field was missing for some users. This is now fixed, and the fix is *in* the current release. If you see any other instances of missing data, please report it.

Misc —

There were also a few more bugs reported, some that have to do with metamask and others that are related to liquidity issues creating extreme scenarios (unable to close positions with no liquidity, very high PnL, and others). Feel free to continue to report these, though the majority are likely not bugs, but just the normal functioning of the system in a low liquidity environment.

Bug Hunt Session 2

Is starting now!

All registrants have been sent tokens. If you haven’t registered, you still can at New registrants will be sent tokens on Monday.

Release updates

  • The biggest new user-facing feature in this release is DDX fees.
  • Also, withdrawals have been deactivated for this release (intentionally). They’ll be back soon!

As a reminder, the Bug Hunts are not “competition sessions”, but participating and finding bugs will give you a leg up in the next competition session (and make the exchange even better at launch!)

When you find something to report, please use this form to share details about your findings. You can also bring it up in the Discord, but make sure you also open a formal bug report.

This session will last for slightly longer than a week, so stay tuned.

What’s next?

There are very few remaining main-net requirements on the engineering side.

In the next release (mid June), you can expect:

  • High-priority bug fixes for bugs found in the first bug hunt

In the 1–2 releases after that, you can expect:

  • Remaining back-end features (i.e. upgradeability, catastrophe recovery)
  • Remaining bug fixes

The DEX Labs team will be able to share some more granular roadmap estimations in coming weeks.

In the meantime, join us for the Bug Hunt and ask questions in the Discord!

