dARCH 2021 Event 0.5 — Round 1 Results

2 min readMay 6, 2021


It’s time to announce the winners of the first round of dARCH Event 0.5! We had great entries from everyone but unfortunately there can only be 5 winners. All 5 of this winners are eligble to compete in Round 2 for their chance to win up to 300 DERO in prizes!

The winners of 80 DERO each, in no particular order are as follows :

DERO Guard VPN by Slixe

A decentralized VPN service that will be supported by marketplace based on Smart Contracts.

Source Code: https://github.com/Slixe/dero-guard

EYE — Decentralized Oracle Service by 89ron

A Proof of Concept of a decentralized Oracle using the DERO service for the dARCH event 0.5. Everyone will use the dummy wallet like a pool of inputs and use the private Operator wallet to send result to the wallet that ask for requests.

Source Code: https://github.com/rpod89/eye

dM (DERO Message) by Nelbert442

The configuration involves a few pieces such as client services to be ran and hosted locally (similar to a local installation/use of Outlook or other platforms), as well as (V2) a server-side service which will handle unique usernames (V2-pending) and/or other methods for “contact lookup” , but the server service never hosts any encryption/decryption details for your messages (V1 is just dero address).

Source Code: https://github.com/Nelbert442/dero-smartcontracts/tree/main/DERO-Message

Ckd: Open web services for dApps by sausman

The project aims to include a collection of Services dApp developers can easily integrate (e.g. npm install ckd-react) into their apps.

Explanatory video :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fklet5MSm6w 12

Source Code: https://github.com/stackd/ckd

XMR Swap by T3ster

The user sends some DERO to the service, then the service request the TradeOgre API to get the exchange rate for DERO/XMR, and it sends Monero to the user’s address.

Source Code: https://github.com/FollowTX/poc_swap_xmr_dero

Congratulations to all of our round 1 winners and good luck in Round 2!

With the winners announced for this round, Round 2 begins! Developers will have an additional 3 weeks to add extra features and work on the UI for their entries!

Round 2 ends May 27th, 7PM UTC!

