DERO dARCH Event 1 First Round Comes to a close

5 min readFeb 9, 2023


Now that Round 1 has come to a close, here’s what happened and who won. We’ll go over each winner’s entry and then into the details on what comes next, I hope you’re excited because this is some pretty exciting stuff.

Congratulations to all of the winners, let’s go over them individually along with the overall benefit this provides to the DERO ecosystem. In no particular order here were the winning entries.

NFA Set — Apollo

This was built by Apollo along with a class he is teaching to show just how creative people can get with the DERO blockchain and NFAs. This entry was not just a set of NFAs it is a functioning hypothetical service that uses the NFAs. Part of the challenge of the NFA set was to make a set of NFAs that could also have functionality that could be applied to real world use cases.


Benefit : This goes to show that a service people may want to use doesn’t mean they have to have their personal or private information publicly linked to it. I don’t think people would want to use a service like AirBNB if their rental activity was open to anybody that cared to take a glance. Overall, great Proof of Concept in my book.

Options and Futures — SixOfClubs

SixOfClubs actually built the functionality for onchain options and futures into their dReams platform, it doesn’t use centralized oracles and it appears they are planning to integrate services as well so the dReam client will not be needed in the future as well. Good luck in Round 2!

GitHub :

Benefit: The ability for users to speculate on values that are stored on blockchain and not rely on centralized oracles.

Visual Scripting — Bisounours

This is a really awesome tool that was built by Bisounours where you can actually build smart contracts with a visual scripting interface. I would explain it more but it’s easier to show you.

Pretty cool right?


Benefit: With this type of scripting tool novice developers and experts alike can create basic smart contracts with ease and test them locally on their machines. Lowering the barrier to entry for developers to bring more diversity to the DERO ecosystem.

BBS Service — nicoreed/NicoTheDreamer

Nico has so far built a CLI based prototype for a BBS service on DERO. It uses Graviton DB on the back end and has both public and private message channels. They plan on fulfilling the additional requirments of the challenge with some games/challenges built in.


Benefit: A completely decentralized Bulletin Board Service built on a private blockchain that anyone can launch is obviously a great tool for freedom and freedom of speech which extends far beyond just the DERO ecosystem. Very cool, can’t wait to see the improvements.

Hardware Wallets — Sountum

This entry is pretty self explanatory. Sountum is working on integrating DERO support on ledger. Looks like they have their PoC complete and just need a little more time to complete their work. They also seem to have an opensource wallet planned as well, we wish them luck!


Benefit: This may also be self explanatory but a hardware wallet support for a major hardware wallet manufacturer is a big win for the DERO community. Also, opensource hardware wallets would be great for everyone that would rather make their own hardware wallets.

DERO dARCH Event 1 Round 1 Results
Event 1 Round 1 Results

Moving on to Round 2 :

As I have hinted before Round 2 comes with a twist. Projects can now choose to work with their direct competition (within the same category) to create a new project and split the Round 2 prize money. So this is not a zero sum round if entrants choose to take this route. This could open up the door to make an outside of the box combination of entries while also guaranteeing BOTH entrants receive half of the prize money and also have a chance to split the Grand Champion prize. The entries can be any combination of functionality as long as they are fully functional.


To sum this up it means you can go for the 750 Round 2 + 1,000 DERO Grand Prize on your own OR you can choose to go for 375 Round 2 each + 500 DERO each as a team with your competitor. If you do choose to work together it must be announced prior to the end of Round 2 on April 1st, 2023.

This does leave the Hardware category in a little bit of a peculiar situation but, the Hardware Wallet devs don’t have any direct competition. So the 750 Round 2 prize (and possibly the Grand Prize) are up for grabs as long as they have it working. Also, the DERO developers are willing to lend a hand if they get stuck so, they are not at a complete disadvantage in this situation.

What you all choose to do is completely up to you but, choose wisely.

Also, reminder please make sure that your DERO wallet address is updated in your GitHub repository for your entry!

That about wraps it up. Thank you to everyone for your participation and support as always and we’ll see you at the end of Round 2 on April 1st!

As a reminder, winning projects are not endorsed or audited by the DERO Project. This is a hackathon and developer competition to showcase what can be done with the DERO platform. If entries become successful that’s great but just keep in mind that a winning entry doesn’t constitute an official endorsement from the DERO team and you should always do your own research.

