DERO Monthly Update

2 min readJun 30, 2020


June 2020

The upcoming major release for this project, named Stargate, aims to provide an unprecedented level of usable privacy and security features by implementing the coveted Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). This will allow smart contract execution to be further protected as states, and the encrypted data within, is never exposed or decrypted. While there are many FHE schemes in use today, performance issues have prevented widespread adoption, or there are varying security trade-offs that may prevent use in critical systems. In light of these challenges, we sought to offset any risks with the privacy and security features already existing within our ecosystem.

Please see our previous monthly updates for more information about our existing technology, or visit

It is with great pleasure and utmost gratitude for our development team that we are proud to announce the completion of our Fully Homomorphic Encryption implementation on the DERO platform. We know that it has been an incredible journey thus far, but we are nearing the light at the end of the tunnel. In the next few days, we will be releasing our implementation to a pre-selected closed focus group that will get a hands-on opportunity to test and provide feedback on the release. More importantly, the focus group will help us shape the documentation and deployment of the release for general public testing on our testnet. Invitations have already been sent, so participants know if they have been selected. We look forward to your feedback and assistance.

At the conclusion of our closed testing period, all details (including the source code) will be available for public viewing and a public testnet period to follow. We are excited to see all of the creative applications that our community developers will begin to build.

Finally, we would like to thank our community for their continued patience as we move forward.

Development Tracking

Our current core development pipeline includes the following item(s):

  • Stargate: Closed Testing

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