DERO Monthly Update

4 min readSep 1, 2019


August 2019

You may have noticed that the DERO team has been quiet these past few weeks. Everyone that has been around will know that such periods of silence are followed by progress. While we will keep you up to date on where the technology is headed, this month will focus more on how the Foundation has been advancing and what to expect in the coming months. First, we would like to thank everyone for their continued support. Without all of you, the project and #PrivacyTogether would not achieve its goal.

When considering the vast landscape of objectives laid out before the Foundation, we knew that we had to be industrious with our time. The first logical choice was to tackle an issue that massively drives adoption, but also empowers our base. Educating everyone on how the technology works, to providing structured learning about developing on the DERO platform, will be the focus of the Foundation through the mainnet release of Smart Contracts coming later this year. The crypto space already has many barriers to entry and we aim to remove as many as we can.

What’s Coming

Work continues in producing structured and detailed documentation that range from expert to novice in technical complexity. This also includes technical documents tailored toward specific functions, like integration with exchanges, payment gateways, or developing on our platform. Such documentation will provide great resources for community members and developers that wish to participate in growing our network, but also helps service providers or exchanges with efficient integration methods.

Taking the technical documentation a bit further and you will find the next checkpoint on our roadmap, DERO University. No, you will not need to worry about taking on any student loans, or cramming for the final exam. DERO University will start as a structured learning environment that will dive into all of the information contained in our resource library. There will be something for all skill levels and we hope that it will aid in on-boarding new developers and those interested in our project.

Community Projects

DERO is fortunate to have developers within our community that are actively building out infrastructure and applications in support of our platform. Their hard work does not go unnoticed and they should expect some assistance from the Foundation. While the scope and requirements of each project will vary, protecting our users will always be a priority. As such, we have started working with an organization that will help to minimize security risk by auditing and testing projects for vulnerabilities.

While there are still many details that need to be ironed out, we would like to express that the participation of community developers will be completely voluntary, as will be the selection of projects that will receive such services.

Technology Timeline

In the previous update we revealed the security, efficiency, and performance upgrades that were scheduled for release later this year. We would like to share that development is still on course to meet the proposed deadline. As a reminder, the scheduled deployment to mainnet is detailed below:

  • Smart Contracts and Omniring by the end of Q4 2019
  • RandomX will be released prior to both releases

Both Release 2 (Stargate) and Release 3 will be deployed later this year for testing, with a mainnet deployment by the end of the year. We will be sure to announce the final release date for RandomX with ample time to prepare for the transition.

To read more about the planned upgrades, please see the June Update or click on the links below for more technical information:

Branding Initiative

As previously stated, DERO has enlisted the help of Eric Jordan to reimagine the branding and presence of the project. We wanted to share the scope of this initiative and let everyone know where we are in the process.

Phase 1: Logomark
Phase 2: Motion and Sonic Branding
Phase 3: Web and Print Design
Phase 4: Deployment

While everything is planned to deploy as a unit within Q4 of this year, we wanted to keep you updated on our progress. Eric has been a pleasure to work with and his work thus far has been exemplary. We are excited for what Q4 will bring for DERO.

Again, we thank you all for your support.

Privacy together.




Privacy Advocate. Team @DEROProject and @DERO_Foundation.