Stargate: A Private Decentralized Application Platform

7 min readFeb 25, 2022


Mainnet Release

DERO Stargate: Private Decentralized Application Platform

On December 17, 2017, the DERO Project was introduced to the world as the first private smart contracts platform. The goal was to provide an open, fast and scalable blockchain that protects user privacy and security, even when programmable money is used via smart contracts. In contrast to other blockchain projects, DERO aims to create sound money through the fungibility of native coins, but also with assets created through private smart contracts. The technological advancements have changed since inception in 2017, but the project’s mission has not.

Our Mission

DERO is a general purpose, private and decentralized application platform that allows developers to deploy powerful and unstoppable applications where users retain total control over their assets with complete privacy. It is our goal to create a sound monetary framework that will globally safeguard the privacy of all users and empower free markets to thrive with complete auditability.

The first goal was to create an open base layer protocol that provided privacy, security, and speed for all users. This resulted in a complete rewrite of the CryptoNote protocol in Golang and the introduction of the first BlockDAG that was capable of mitigating majority hashrate attacks. The team has since been working toward the furthest departure from CryptoNote, which is a completely new privacy-by-default blockchain protocol with native smart contracts support.

What is Stargate?

Stargate is built upon the first homomorphic encryption blockchain protocol. Simply put, account activity on the DERO network is never decrypted by anyone other than its owner using a homomorphic encryption scheme for all transactions on the network, including transactions to and from smart contracts. This is achieved using a new and unique homomorphic encryption scheme (DERO-HE) and the underlying DERO Homomorphic Encryption Blockchain Protocol (DHEBP).

Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption allowing one to perform calculations on encrypted data without decrypting it first. The result of the computation is in an encrypted form, when decrypted the output is the same as if the operations had been performed on the unencrypted data.

Stargate also comes with some convenient features including:

  • Homomorphic encryption account model
  • Human-readable addresses (usernames)
  • Efficient and decentralized proof-of-work mining
  • Instant coin and token balance syncing
  • Native token transfers via wallet
  • Support for both public and private smart contracts
  • Web socket support for connectivity with decentralized applications
  • Transfer settlement in ~18 seconds (1 block)
  • Blockchain pruning (light nodes)
  • Fixed supply with halving

Smart Contracts

Stargate supports both public and private smart contracts. Public contracts will reveal all data and transactions for complete transparency and auditing. Private contracts reveal limited data, leaving sender/receiver information and token balances encrypted. Both contract types publish their code publicly in order to be auditable, but private contracts allow users to remain anonymous. Assets created from private smart contracts can be transferred much like cash after they are issued, since assets are controlled by the owner, rather than the smart contract itself.

In an effort to reduce complexity and protocol vulnerabilities, Stargate utilizes DVM-BASIC, which is a contract-oriented, high-level language for writing smart contracts. It is easy to learn and is very readable.


The example smart contract above demonstrates how easy it is to implement and audit contracts on our platform. Please refer to the DVM documentation for additional examples.


Σ-Mining (Sigma) was introduced to completely change the distribution of mining rewards. Within each block that is added to the blockchain there are constantly emitted “mini blocks” that contain data related to mining. These mini blocks represent traditional mining shares when mining in a pool. This means that anyone mining on the DERO network can earn rewards based on the amount of work contributed, instead of a ‘winner-takes-all’ reward model.

Σ-Miners use an efficient CPU mining algorithm called AstroBWT, which was developed to demand much less power from any device used in mining. It is not surprising that ARM processors, those commonly found in mobile devices, produce highly efficient and competitive hashing power compared to GPUs (video cards) and even many CPUs (desktop computers). It is with this in mind that there is immense potential for allowing anyone to mine from devices that they already own and be rewarded for it.


Stargate brings with it a conversion of the Bitcoin emission model. The max supply will change to 21 million coins and there will be a halving every 4 years.

Release Date

Stargate will be released to mainnet on February 26, 2022.

We encourage miners to mine using the following DERO address for the first few hours until your new account is registered:


This will ensure that the network has enough hashing power to support your fellow humans in their registration efforts. Keep in mind that new account registrations can take up to a couple of hours (one time). This is to limit/prevent registration spamming.

Swap Instructions

Any coins on the current mainnet (our Atlantis release) can be swapped to the Stargate mainnet with a 1:1 ratio. Both mainnets will run simultaneously for the next 6 months. This will provide ample time for individuals and exchanges to privately swap their coins and take advantage of the new features of Stargate.

Please note: We will never ask for your keys, so please do not fall prey to scammers. Only use the official sources below for information and instruction.

Please use following addresses to swap from Atlantis (CryptoNote) to the new Stargate (homomorphic encryption) blockchain:

For Users (Choose one)

Deposit Address 1:


Deposit Address 2:


For Exchanges

Deposit Address for Kucoin:


Deposit Address for Tradeogre:


Deposit Address for Other Exchanges:


The Next Steps

After depositing Atlantis coins to the above respective address, please create a new Stargate account and set the ringsize to 2. In the wallet, type:

Next, create a new transaction (wallet option 5) and send the Atlantis (1) Transaction ID (TXID) and (2) the amount sent in the ‘comment’ field to the following address:



The TXID and the amount swapped need to be separated by using a “:” as shown above. Please also note that a Payment ID can be left blank and a transfer amount of 0.00001 is required. Each new Stargate account created during the first month of the swapping period, will be awarded a fixed amount of DERO to cover the fees for this transaction.

Once all transactions have been confirmed, the swapping process is complete. This is an automated process and your Atlantis funds will appear in your Stargate account after one week of Stargate uptime.

Please visit the following link for a step-by-step guide:


The Stargate release contains a wealth of new information to digest. If you would like more information about this release, please visit any of the links below.




To Our Community

From the trolls to the most stalwart, the moderators to the developers, we thank you for joining us on this journey and for your continued support. It has been quite an adventure and there are many more to come. Continue to spread the word so that we may attract like-minded individuals that will build by the people, for the people. Let’s bring DERO to the masses.

Privacy together.

We have a new smart wallet coming soon… Stay tuned.

Join the DERO community!










Privacy Advocate. Team @DEROProject and @DERO_Foundation.