Googles New Earphones/Personal Translator

Douglas Jones
DES07118 Visual Research Methods
1 min readOct 29, 2017

Google have launched new earphones (Pixel Buds) that have a clever feature that allows them to also act as a personal translator. This article i read was on the website Dezeen and wrote by Alice Morby.

The main reason i was attracted to this article was because of the very clever additional feature to the earphones. The Pixel Buds have Googles translator feature built in. Which has the ability to translate 40 languages. This would therefore allow the earphones to translate 40 languages for the userin real time. For example, the ideal client for the earphones would be someone who travels or has to work in another language during their job. Normally, a conversation between the user and a client who speaks another language may take 2x longer. However if the Pixel Buds were being used it would allow for a easier and more flowing conversation. This is why I feel others should take note of this article and googles new earphones, because, yes, their core purpose is to be earphones and play music. However google have added a feature that 100% will make a percentage of peoples life easier, and possibly make them more confident in their day to day life.

