+x Bookshelf

Douglas Jones
DES07118 Visual Research Methods
1 min readOct 29, 2017

When on the website core77 one article I came across that interested me was called the +x Bookshelf.

The bookshelf is designed by Peoples Industrial Design Office (PIDO) and the shape fits into their design office located in Beijing. In the article they say “+x Bookshelf components into a flexible, modular shelving system with limitless possibilities.” And it is very true this design has endless possibilities. I personally love the simplicity of the overall design and the sharp clean look it has. Further more some advantages spoken about the +x in the article is, it has eliminated the need for bookends because of the angle,this means objects placed in the 45 degree shelf are very stable. Also the shelf is easily assembled, meaning it can be changed to suit the user.

