Xuxu Chair

Douglas Jones
DES07118 Visual Research Methods
1 min readDec 4, 2017

The Xuxu chair designed by Ben Palmer is a chair that is all about less being more. And it is very clear it does that. The article itself is very short but says that ‘ Xuxu Chair explores furniture design in a deconstructive and minimalist sense. This work seeks to make something unique and different in an area that is overrun with continually “new” designs.’ I really like it and like its simplistic and clean look.I do also appreciate the design and am very inspired by it. However you may ask yourself about the functionality of the chair. Because to me its clear this chair was not designed to be the comfiest chair, no, it was designed to make something new and unique in a area full of ‘new’ ideas which in reality are not breaking the boundaries enough. In that sense the Xuxu chair is very successful in actually trying something new and out of the ordinary.

