Descript 2.0

Andrew Mason
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2018


A ground-up rewrite for Mac/Windows — now with video/audio editing, cloud sync, and more.

Descript 2.0 is now available, and it’s our biggest update ever. A ground-up rewrite, here’s what’s new:

Video text editing

Descript is the first tool to let you edit audio by editing text — now it works with video too. Make a rough cut or pull highlights in Descript, and then transfer your Descript Project to Final Cut Pro / Premiere and keep editing there.

Commenting and collaborative editing built-in

Google-Docs style commenting on audio/video, now built directly into the app.


Descript apps for Mac and Windows — plus, you can open/play/comment on Projects from any web browser.

Automatic cloud backup with version history

Descript keeps your Projects synced to the cloud in the background as you work, giving you and your collaborators instant access, wherever you are. Descript still works offline — changes are saved locally, synced to the cloud the next time you’re connected. We also create version history of your Project, making it easy to recover from mistakes.

More transcription options

Choose between our industry-leading automatic transcription, human-powered white glove transcription, or import/sync a transcription you already have (for free). We’ve also added more options to customize exported documents and subtitles/captions.


Descript now offers team plans, with centralized billing and account management and a shared Project drive.

Improved Project Browser

Descript’s Project Browser lets you create as many Compositions as you want, mixing and matching your source audio/video. Use them to organize unedited interviews, or to save different versions of a story. Descript also includes powerful tools like Clip to Composition or New Composition from Highlights to make it easy to pull highlights from your audio/video.

New pricing plans

Our users have made it very clear that they hate metered transcription usage — people want to use Descript without worrying about how many minutes they’ve used. That’s why our new $20 / month Producer plan (with audio/video editing) includes transcription for free, up to four hours per month (more than most people use).

Simplified UX

We’ve incorporated our first year of customer feedback to create a more intuitive user experience.

Honorable mention

If you’re completely new to Descript, behold a few other incredible features:

Timeline editor

Use the timeline editor to tweak edits you make via the script.

Multitrack transcription

Descript intelligently creates transcripts of multitrack recordings, automatically identifying speakers and ignoring mic bleed.

How to get Descript 2.0

New Users and: Download Descript 2.0 here.

Existing Mac Users: You’ll have to download Descript 2.0 as well, because it’s an entirely new app. You also need to upload your existing Projects to Descript Drive before you can use them with Descript 2.0. Please read the transition FAQ for Mac Users for more details.

Windows Users: Open the app and you’ll be prompted to update.

