What we shipped in March — Descript

Andrew Mason
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2019

In March, we were busy adding polish and laying the foundation for larger features shipping in the coming months. Here’s what’s new:

File Optimization: Descript now automatically generates high quality optimized versions of your files, ideal for editing and sharing, and reducing the hard disk requirements. Descript also retains your original files, which you can use to optimize the quality of your final export. (Docs)

Stability & Performance Improvements: We’ve made dramatic improvements to the reliability of automatic cloud sync, and audio/video playback performance.

Open non-downloaded Projects: Now you can open Projects to see what’s inside without waiting for them to download first. Very useful when someone shares a 10GB Project with you!

Collapsed Sidebar: Descript’s sidebar now has an economical collapsed state.

Redesigned Timeline: The new design strengthens the relationship between clips and the Word Bar, and sets the stage for upcoming multitrack features.

Team Sharing Settings: Descript Team Members can share a Project with their entire team with a click.

Replace File: Have you ever gotten halfway through editing a Project only to realize there’s a problem with one of your source media files? Maybe it’s distorting, or you mistakenly loaded in a compressed file and want to replace it with the original? Use Replace File to load in a new file and delete the old one. (Docs)

Access Share settings from the Project List: Click on a Project’s“…” link in the Project List to manage sharing settings.

Preserve Export Settings: Now Descript remembers the last export settings you used.

