ORA Shines Bright with Debut Single ‘Bad Day’: A Nordic Indie-Pop Revelation

Desert Island Cloud
2 min readAug 24, 2024

Emerging from the icy landscapes of the Nordic music scene, sibling duo ORA is set to make waves with their debut single, “Bad Day,” out now. ORA, comprising 21-year-old Lea and 23-year-old Samuel, blends R&B influences with the luminous charm of Nordic indie-pop, creating a sound that’s as dynamic and contrasting as the siblings themselves.

“Bad Day” captures the tumultuous emotions of youth, offering a raw and relatable take on the struggles of navigating life’s unpredictable journey. Samuel reflects on the creation process, revealing how writing the song helped him confront buried feelings: “It wasn’t until I wrote the words down in a song that I could see what was really going on, and ‘Bad Day’ became my wake-up call.”

Lea adds, “Everyone handles difficult situations differently, and while it can be intimidating to share your innermost thoughts, it’s important to do so. We hope that ‘Bad Day’ can help others in the same way it helped us.”

ORA first teased their potential with their 2022 sketches-EP, The Demos, but “Bad Day” marks their official introduction as a vibrant new force in Nordic music. With their unique blend of melancholy and uplift, introspection and sparkle, ORA is a name to watch in 2024 and beyond. Keep an eye out — there’s much more to come from this captivating duo.




Desert Island Cloud

Editor for Desert Island Cloud - Supporting new music from any genre.