An Unknown Secret To Your Dream Life

Ashya Garg
Desi Diaries
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2024

A true concept based on the law of attraction

Photo by Umar ben on Unsplash

Every person on this planet has a unique set desires and goals in his or her life but you know what we all struggle to do is to believe in ourselves. Of course, not all of us but yes majority of us do have a constant bell ringing in our heads which is basically a question — whether we would be able to achieve and fulfill our desires. Will we be ever having a life which we have always dreamt of ??

If you too are someone who is currently dealing with these kind of questions which are constantly ticking in you mind , then guess what this read is definitely for you.

So, last year I had been going through a lot of stress regarding my career. I used to have a lot of anxiety whenever I used to think about my future and it scared the shit out of me. Trust me, I’m not kidding at all. It was then, when one of my very close friends recommended me to read a book named “THE SECRET- BY RHONDA BYRNE”. This book just completely changed my perspective of how I used to think earlier.

What was that one thing which changed me?

While I was reading this book, I used to practice doing everything whatever was written in it. It described the entire process of achieving anything you desire in three basic steps :

The very first step is to take a sheet of paper and write down whatever you are desiring to achieve or wherever you are seeing yourself in your thoughts or in your dreams. It should be written in a very precise and clear way — what the goal is and by when you wish to achieve it.
Now the second step is to write down everything that the universe or the almighty has blessed you with. Express your gratitude by writing “I thank the universe for ……”
After doing these two steps , the most crucial step and the last step is to start visualizing as if you have got what you have desired in the first step. Just behave the same way as if you have ordered a parcel from some shopping or e-commerce website and it will surely arrive by the time you are expecting it to get delivered.
Imagine yourself living the life , you have always wished for and what all you are doing when you have got that one thing you wrote.

Start practicing gratitude for the universe and start visualizing on an everyday basis. You will start feeling just like universe is also manifesting along with you in fulfilling your needs and desires. Everything will get inclined in a way that will help you to accomplish your goal.

Photo by KT Likes Coffee on Unsplash

So yeah, what next? I too followed this routine of practicing gratitude and visualization.

Here comes the crux of the story —

The placement cycle was about to begin in my college last year (August 2023). So, it was back in July when I wrote that I want to get placed in a company named “Airbus”. But as soon as the placement cycle started , our college told us that this year Airbus might not be visiting our campus. But still I had faith in the law of attraction the power of universe . I used to visualize that I have got placed in tat company only. Soon , we were informed that next week Airbus is coming for campus recruitment.

Guess what? I appeared for the interviews but I had a very pathetic and bad experience. I had no hopes that even if I will be qualifying for the next interview round. So, after my interview I went out in very bad and frustrated mood. Soon I was informed that I will be having my first round again for some other job opening. I had no clue of what all I will be asked because I had not prepared for that role. But here I felt the power of manifestation because the interviewer didn’t ask me anything which troubled me and yes I got placed in that company only.

Photo by Daniel Eledut on Unsplash


Basically ,the central theme of “The Secret” is the law of attraction. It posits that like attracts like, and by focusing on positive thoughts, we can bring positive experiences into our life and expressing gratitude for what we have is definitely a powerful tool for attracting more positive experiences. By appreciating and being thankful for the present, and visualizing our goals and desires as if they have already been achieved ,we can open ourself up to receive more of what we desire.
While the power of thought , gratitude and visualization is emphasized , it is also necessary to take inspired actions in order to accomplish the goals. Simply thinking positively is not enough; we must also actively work towards our goals.

If I have got this done, what are you waiting for? Do give this concept a shot and unlock your path to your dream life :)



Ashya Garg
Desi Diaries

Trying to put my sixty thousand thoughts in words✨