Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2003

I forgot a bunch of things…

Firstly I got a phone-call from my mum yesterday morning and she could hear thessalian laughing in the background so I put her on the phone {Does the ‘I am so evil’ dance :-) }. Hilarity ensued (at least for me). Then afterward Thess said that she would have to arrange for us to…

Questions, questions…

Stolen off thessalian

1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. If I was an ice cream…


Home again for lunch — still weird…

Looking forward to Buffy game tonight and then hooking up with thessalian. Both our online reportings of excessive soppyness had better be curtailed or people will start to turn up with baseball bats… “Make… It… Stop…!” ;-)

I do love her though… *big happy smile*

So much to do…

Right… So I didn’t go out on Friday which was a shame but I got a lot of stuff done which was cool.

Spent Saturday with Claire and thessalian generally slobbing out and Sunday doing the whole 7th Sea thing. If you want more details of the weekend I’d read thessalian’s LJ as…

Life doesn’t get any better than this…

Wandered around Camden this afternoon with thessalian. She was shopping for clothes — shopping for clothes with a woman! and yet I had a good time. This is just highly mysterious… Maybe it was all the great stuff she kept picking out and her saying “what do you…

Pass the meme

Meme from thessalian
Your MeMe, should you choose to accept it, is to rank the following movies in order, from COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT to COULDN’T CARE LESS. To add value to this process, you must also add two movies to the list, and remove two movies from the list, before passing the MeMe on (including…

Good stuff

Ob Freak out g/f: thessalian and I spent five minutes talking about what our kids would be like! LOL

Also she said that she’s smoking so little since we got together that she might give up sometime soon. Just in case I forget I’m replying on you guys to remind her that she said…

Faith in human nature


I was waiting for thessalian in Fulham Broadway tube station when one of the many people walking past started to drop some money out of his walet. A few people picked up some coins and handed them to him. One well-appointed woman in her 50s bent down to…

Excellent weekend

’cause I got to spend most of it hanging out with thessalian. Then again, I may be biased. ;-)

Let’s see… Now show was Thursday… Then it was Buffy game on Friday. Scottish-Dave (not to be confused with non-Scottish Angus) who is now called “new Dave” (with, obviously me…

Is it worth it…

Finished doing the update for the FAQ. Between all the code I worked on and then chucked away and all the updating I must have put tens of hours into something that very very few people will ever see. Ah well, at least I know it’s fairly cool now — and it’s finally done (for now). At least updating…


It’s lovely but odd being around thessalian in that I seem to be inspired to do stuff. I cooked up a big turkey stir-fry and cous-cous meal today but had to top it off with silly dessert — wouldn’t want to appear competent! :-)

Thess has gone home for the night. It’s disturbingly empty in my flat tonight…

These were the top 33 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2003. You can also dive into daily archives for November of 2003 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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