Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in 2004

Thank the non-existant-Supreme-Being for seat-belts…

Well, electra008 asked me in her last entry if I was going to write about anything other than politics in my blog before the 2nd November election. Well, it looks like the answer is yes.

The only serious one today: Pro-free speach activists condem the new New Labour proposed bill to make “Incitement to Religious Hatred” illegal. Commedians fear that their material may become illegal after the law is passed. How long before you can only satarise people of your own culture? How long before satire is illgal (and wouldn’t the politians…

Day goes over quickly…

A quick distracting amusement “What if Bush was running against Jesus”.

I promised this to thessalian:

Obviously from Francine’s PoV

  • Much waiting in very uncomfortable chairs

So much stuff…

It’s a pain updating here from my Dad’s PC. It’s so easy to get used to tabbed browsing in firefox that it’s really irritating to have to go back to IE.

Anyway! I’ve not posted for a few days becuase I’ve been mostly eating, sleeping, watching really shite TV and defusing…

These were the top 10 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in 2004. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2004 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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