Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in September of 2004

Day goes over quickly…

A quick distracting amusement “What if Bush was running against Jesus”.

I promised this to thessalian:

Obviously from Francine’s PoV

  • Much waiting in very uncomfortable chairs


From thessalian.

1. Who are you?

I am. That is usually sufficient.

2. Are we friends?

You’re my best friend.

3. When and how did we meet?

Monday again

Let’s make this short shall we.

What would the events in Iraq look like when mapped onto the USA?

Executive produced by Robert Greenwald (“Outfoxed” and “Uncovered”) is also producing a new film Unconstitutional showing the true effects of the PATRIOT…


One for electra008 — Tennessee ‘Choose Life’ Plates Ruled Unconstitutional.

Just passing on…

Ganked this — “Bush by the numbers” — from nadriel so some of my American friends can read it.

Couple of quick nothings

Oh yeah — should have said… Finished watching Haibane Renmei which reminded me that sometimes anime can be excellent after the mind-breaking-trauma of the not-really-very-good-after-all Neon Genesis Evangelion. Still, I shouldn’t need reminding after Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke…

Interesting article if you have the time…

Lots of cool info on subcultures including ones going well back into the 19th century. Lots of links to other information.

Those Evil “Liberals”

Official GOP handouts in some states inform the voters that those with a “Liberal Agenda” want to ban the Bible.

I don’t know what’s worse — that the GOP think people are stupid enough to belive this kind of thing or that people are stupid enough to believe it.

Meme (2)

For electra008.

> 1. Who are you?

Still just me.

> 2. Are we friends?


> 3. When and how did we meet?

More stuff for Americans, etc

Top 10 stories the American mass media ignores. No cover-up conspiracies by government here just things big media chooses to overlook…

Kinda funny…

Flat is very quiet with thessalian gone. From the sound of her LJ she’s having a good time — I’m glad.

Went to Wembley tonight (new stadium looks terrible btw) to see Rush at the Arena (opposite where I used to live). Excellent gig — I had a really good time.

These were the top 33 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in September of 2004. You can also dive into daily archives for September of 2004 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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