Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in October of 2004

Thank the non-existant-Supreme-Being for seat-belts…

Well, electra008 asked me in her last entry if I was going to write about anything other than politics in my blog before the 2nd November election. Well, it looks like the answer is yes.

Before dinner…

This guy has a blog entry about how he went to his kid’s parents night. Once there the teacher had the kids do a quiz (he’d posted a similar one on his site) about various current political issues. The kids had to pick which, of two, proposals they felt made more sense on several issues. In the end 26…

Sad things and, er, more sad things…

“Boston Police murder 21-year-old woman”. “Murder” is a very strong word but the officer fired paintball pellets filled with pepper spray directly into the face of a young journalism student who wasn’t even involved in the orignal offence.

More politics

14 characteristics common to fascist regimes.

Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s fame talks about how many cookies you’d have to take from military spending to pay for education and healthcare…

Random links and stuff (another day)…

Ongoing list of alleged GoP election fraud.

A quote from Master Bill Gibson: “Could it be that the obscenely comforting narrowing of imaginative bandwith (the real payoff in becoming a Bushite believer) was actually changing the world, or…

Quick Lunchtime Entry…

Ganked from nadriel (btw lend me Tunnels and Trolls with you Mike):
A book you own that no one on your friends list does:

Hmmm — many. Lets pick “Dude Where’s My Country”.

These were the top 11 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in October of 2004. You can also dive into daily archives for October of 2004 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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