All Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi on October 21, 2004

More politics

14 characteristics common to fascist regimes.

Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry’s fame talks about how many cookies you’d have to take from military spending to pay for education and healthcare…

Random links and stuff (another day)…

Ongoing list of alleged GoP election fraud.

A quote from Master Bill Gibson: “Could it be that the obscenely comforting narrowing of imaginative bandwith (the real payoff in becoming a Bushite believer) was actually changing the world, or…

Bored of the politics yet?

Two American political sites that absolutely roxxor *cough*.

Electoral Vote keeps a tally on pretty much every poll issued every day and from that grades which states are likely to use their electoral college votes for which Presidential candidate…

Desiderium Sciendi
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