Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2004

Roleplay Meme

Ganked from thessalian

1. What is the first RPG you ever played?
AD&D circa 1986

2. What RPG do you currently play most often?
7th Sea

Here it comes…

GOP adds anti-abortion clause to spending bill.

Oh, and for thessalian a Worth 1000 on hockey.

Monday (no end of imaginative titles here!)

Colon Powel (Defense Secretary resigns to go along with attorney general John Ashcroft, Ann Venneman, the agriculture secretary, Rod Paige, the education secretary, and Spencer Abraham, the energy secretary. So, what is going on? Is he going to replace…


Really interesting article in the Guardian about China and how it’s adapting to capitalism mixed with communism.

Perhaps the most interesting part is the section on how it has lent billions and billions of dollars to the US which the US citizens have then used to… But Chinese goods…


Feeling the election blues. Not just me then.

Winston Churchill once said “In a democracy the people get the government they deserve”.

UK Foriegn Secretary says war with Iran is inconceivable. You heard it here first — remember the date.


What do you get when you cross Dance Dance Revolution with World of Warcraft? Just about the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages.

Maybe I should get out more…? ;-)

Oh — and if anyone knows who the music is in the “undead bit” please let me know — thanks.

Another step of the world we live in

Prospective GOP Okalhoma Senetor Tom Coburn has said since the election — “I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life.”

Sunday — Land of no interesting subjects…

Interesting article on how it’s not even script writers or spin doctors who will be specifying what politians say in the future but professional language experts who will construct speaches in a way that makes it almost a logical impossibility to disagree with what’s being said.

Stuff and Things

The EU is ramping up its bid for the ITER (next generation test fusion reactor). Best quote from /. is “With the cost of Iraq war draining at about $1.5B per week, it roughly takes 1 month of war for 1 reactor, in monetary terms”. Since the war is mostly about oil the monetary logical is severly…

A good day

I got some copies of the new Still Flying photocopied up — looks quite good in dead-tree-edition.

Cheque off parents for no appearent reason, can’t complain.

Got interview for job next week. Since I only got it through personal recomendation this may well…

Monday — if only barely

Four legs good, two legs better… The US forces in Iraq are now counting on ex-Saddam sepcial forces to be the core of the all-new Iraqi army and police force.

So funny — Microsoft caught with illegal copryright software in Windows XP.

So, after saying that I hardly ever quote other people I’m going to do it again…

thessalian said:

{About the Star Wars III trailer}

> Seriously, the last thing you think of when you think of George Lucas is cheap special effects


One for the Brits. The BBC is finally “cancelling” TotP.

10 years in jail if you’re caught tampering with the soon-to-be British national ID database. NB — you’d get less for rape.

From Neil Gaiman’s Blog:

Here it comes…

The right-wing agenda continues. Pharmacists refuse to give our birth control. I’m all for people having their own moral values but isn’t this breach of contract? Like joining the army and then saying “oh, btw, it’s morally wrong to kill people”…


Ganked from nadriel

Who’s been commenting in your journal?


24 comments29.27% of total2nadriel

20 comments24.39% of total3electra008


Saw an advert for my ideal job today secure in the knowledge that I am in no way qualified or experienced to do it. Reminds me that I have to either kunckle-down and retrain myself in what is current in IT and compete with people 10 years younger than me for jobs that pay less than what I earn now or consign…

More stuff

The Pope says have more sex.

Boing Boing cut/paste:

Molly wrote in to say:
“As a Texan, I’d like to repeat the words of Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks and say that I’m embarrassed to that Bush is from Texas. And yes, the country really is stupid, and…

Thursday Lunchtime

Sarah Michelle Geller slags off Joss Whedon in this interview about creative control of Buffy towards the end (ie she had none). No wonder she was phoning it in by the end of season seven. Someone should get her to look up “actress” in the dictionary and the “director”. Joss basically gave her…

These were the top 37 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2004. You can also dive into daily archives for November of 2004 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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