Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in January of 2005

Essay on American Hegemony

Now, normally as I’m sure you know I just post lots of links but this essay is so good I’m going to quote the whole thing verbatium (behind a cut). It is very good and I strongly urge you all to read it — especially Americans. It’s not too late to change the way your country is…

Work Stress

From a conversation I’ve been having with thessalian.

If you were in a job where you were so overworked it was making you physically ill (never mind work stress) would you:

1) Consider a new job?
2) Complain to your friends but say nothing at work so you…


angusabanson, dodgyhoodoo and thessalian.

Anyway I get:


You are a XPYG — Expressive Practical Physical Giver. This makes you a Roving Spouse.

Many Links

Gah — this is going to be random as I need to get to sleep!

This story of someone being fired after 11 years at Waterstone not only might lead to a boycott of the store, as suggested by angusabranson, but also virtually a test-case for people talking about their work on the blogs…

So many links…

So little lunchtime…

President Bush makes his opinion or Roe Vs Wade quite clear. If I was a woman in the USA I would fear the next four years.

More from Greg Pallast this time about the woefully ongoing supression of the black vote in the USA.

PC Trails and Tribulations…

Okay, so even with borrowing dodgyhoodoo’s old soundcard I still can’t get 5.1 out to work on my current box. Screw it.

My plans in the next month or two are to buy another box anyway to act as a CD player / DVD player / webserver / fileserver / etc.

Need automatical subject generator

Whitehouse allegedly resists laws to outlaw torture.

If you know the right people you can organise an African coup and still get off without jail time and with less than £300,000 fine. Cf Mark Thatcher.

Lunchtime Linkage

Unsurprisingly the assault on the US Social Security system is over an amount of money far less than President Bush’s tax cuts. Has anyone see the dollar exchange rate recently? Coupled with the amount spent in Iraqi it’s almost as if he is trying to deliberately bankrupt the country…

Short post…

As if suddenly coming the late realisation the Prime Minister of Iraq admits that certain areas of Baghdad may not be safe during the election. That’s the dramatic understatement of 2005 so far. For those not keeping up the Baghdad Deputy Chief of Police and Govenor have both been killed by Insurgents…

Links of the day

Top 25 alleged censored media stories of 2004.

Insane American Neocons call for more wars on more fronts.

Meanwhile in Iraq the countries Chief of Intellagence says there may now be over 200,000 insurgents. How many does it need to be before…

Only ‘cause

thessalian isn’t subscirbed to angusabranson’s LJ…

You scored as Indie Rock. Indie Rock.

Indie Rock


Classic Rock.


Go Andy!

corone has now officially announced his work on the new Serenity RPG. Go him!

Today’s Links

10,000 American soldiers have been wounded in Iraq.

So far the amount the US has pledged to help the tsunami victims works out at less the 48 hours worth of the money spent in Iraq.

And — if you’re into that kind of thing someone has discovered that you can list a huge number of unsecure webcam feeds on google.


So, went to the Poppies gig last night in Sheppards Bush. Totally indebted to thessalian and angusabranson for both reminding me where it was!

Best gig I have been to in at least 5 years and quite possibly top 5 of all time. Definitly a relgious experience.

Late night links…

Late night? Late night it’s half past bloody 11… *grumble grumble grumble*

The staggeringly bad state of the US economy and the effects this may have (the collapse of the dollar, etc). Meanwhile China’s economy (not small by any means) grows 9% year-on-year.

Guilty as charged

More than once in the last few months I’ve said to thessalian that I didn’t like the idea of things beind discussed on LJ that should really be done in person. Well, I find myself guilty of doing exactly that yesterday. Her reply here and nighskywarlock’s great response here.

More gankage

This time from leopard_lady.

1. Go To your favorite mapping website
2. Click on “Directions”
3. Enter your current address and the address of your childhood home (or at least the town if you don’t remember the exact address)
4. Put the time and distance in a post like this.

British Humor

A humerous posting from a /. story about the IT network at the BBC:

 “John, could you put down your tea and come here for a moment.”


Visualising Live Journal

Since corone said he was unable to download and use the LJ visualisation program I mentioned last night I’ve taken some snapshots I’ll put up here.

Okay! Some people have a fairly limited number of LJ friends. For example myself:

These were the top 47 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in January of 2005. You can also dive into daily archives for January of 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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