All Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi on January 26, 2005

So many links…

So little lunchtime…

President Bush makes his opinion or Roe Vs Wade quite clear. If I was a woman in the USA I would fear the next four years.

More from Greg Pallast this time about the woefully ongoing supression of the black vote in the USA.


So, went to the Poppies gig last night in Sheppards Bush. Totally indebted to thessalian and angusabranson for both reminding me where it was!

Best gig I have been to in at least 5 years and quite possibly top 5 of all time. Definitly a relgious experience.

Late night links…

Late night? Late night it’s half past bloody 11… *grumble grumble grumble*

The staggeringly bad state of the US economy and the effects this may have (the collapse of the dollar, etc). Meanwhile China’s economy (not small by any means) grows 9% year-on-year.

Desiderium Sciendi
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