Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2005

Really silly meme

Ganked from angusabranson. All comments screened to protect the guilty. :-)

Comments are screened — so you can all be completely honest with me!!! hehe…


I don’t understand

If Britian was torturing people during and after the war then why aren’t the people responsible for this being arrested? There are still people looking for German WWII criminals yet those who must have done the torture here must be easy to find if people look.

In the blue corner…

  • Family Circus does Cthulhu.
  • Met Police Chief to be investigated over shooting.
  • European music industry classifies it’s customers as terrorists in order to collect more information on them.
  • The European Court warns…

Contentious points

Somewhat late response to this interesting post from thessalian where, amongst the other things, she said the following:

“What is bad is that, following up from my post yesterday about rape statistics and whether or not women who were considered to be dressing…

Could be here for a while

So while I’m waiting…

The US Senate has passed a law that makes it illegal for the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay to challange their imprisonment in US federal courts. This brings them into direct conflict with the US Supreme Court after their decision in Rasul

More of the same

corone close your eyes now as Sky One is remaking The Prisoner.

Brilliant essay on Methodological Naturalism (yes, new words to me too). Basically about how you can’t combine supernatural ideas with science. It’s a screed against ID but to give it it’s credit certainly isn’t anti-religion.

Contentious issues

Following on from a post I made some time ago about debating and so chat’s I’ve had reciently with alobear I find myself wondering what subjects are still contentious these days. I’m going to stick down a half-hearted list and would very much like people to add to it:

Seperate post for this one

One for alobear, weaslebitch, thessalian et al.

“Annalee Newitz and Charlie Anders are editing an anthology of essays titled _She’s Such a Geek_, billed as ‘An Anthology by and for Women Obsessed with Computers, Science, Comic Books, Gaming, Spaceships…

While waiting for stuff to compile…

Newly released documents show that President Bush knew some of the Iraq war supporting documents he had were fake.

I think this really could come back to bite this President on the ass — he states definitively that the US doesn’t torture…

Article on “The New Monogamy”

The article, from New York Magazine, can be found here. What do people think of these kind of relationships? Is this something people experimented with in their youth before they “settled down”?

Just nosy curious I guess.

Music while you read

To go with 365 Tomorrows how about a new Creative Commons song every day for a year. Guaranteed copyright free — many genres covered.

Plot patents update

The good people over at Scrivener’s Error have got an update on how this would never stand up in court. Basically if they can’t point to a sucsessfull application of the plot they can’t patent it and if they do it’ll be too specific to be useful.

Good news for a change

Plans to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge were dropped from the US House of Representatives budget reconcilation bill tonight.

As ever history is defined by those who bother to turn up and politics is no exception. Meet the new 18 year old American town Mayors.

Contentious issue (update)

Thanks to thessalian a few more things to add. There must be more than this — put on your thinking caps! :-)

Parental informing and consent

Ref.: US Torture

While President Bush says that the US does not torture people he is potentially going to veto a Senate motion banning torture. Meanwhile a secret internal CIA document was warning about how some procedures of that organisation were already contrviening anti-torture legislation almost two years ago.

These were the top 28 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in November of 2005. You can also dive into daily archives for November of 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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