Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in December of 2005

Christmas and stuff

In (extreme) brief… Had a great time at alobear’s parents place. Her mum goes mildly insane at Christmas time and ensured that everyone had at least 10 parcels to unwrap on the day including books, CDs, DVDs and t-shirts for me :-D. Went from there to my folks place which was okay but it’s…

Reverse memage

I need to refer to serenitysangel’s latest LJ entry to qualify for one of her meme’s — which is a bit pointless since if she hasn’t already friended you you won’t be able to read it anyway… ;-)

KOOOOONG! (In best Shatner voice)

Went to see King Kong with alobear tonight. To get it out of the way first — yes, Andy Serkis deserves an Oscar.

The film really is a spectacular in the old vaudevillian styles. You’ll laugh, you’ll scream, you’ll cry — “Roll up, roll up, the

Cthulhu LARP

Anyone interested in a cthulhu live game?

I’ll send out an email for the (many) people that don’t read my LJ.

Religous debate

Excellent discussion going on over at thessalian’s. Be particularly interested in corone’s PoV what with him considering a degree in RE an’ all…

If people are interested in discussion this stuff then how about some theodicy? More here.


alobear and I have a good time at Dragonmeet. Picked up a copy of Affils as well as more dice and a copy of Saving Dr Lucky.

Played a very silly game on Runequest in the afternoon. The players were just me, alobear and a 13 year old kid called Conner who had way more good ideas than…

Atheism Sites

Following on from this post a micro-review of the Atheism sites I happened across there. These are for my future benefit (for finding this stuff again) as much as for anyone else.

Site Arrogance Personal Rating Comment 2/10 8/10 Reasonable…

Interested in opinions

A school in Hampshire has recorded dramatically improved results by streaming the entire school. Like the American grading system (in theory if not in practice) all classes are devided by ability not age (must make timetabling a nightmare).

What do people think or the practice in general…?


How funny is this (Firefly)

Though I’m not really following the fandom any more I just had to include this link via serenitysangel to The Hand Puppet Movie Theatre Presents: Serenity.

I particularly liked:

  • Operative: “Peek-a-boo! All your psychic runaways…

Post Christmas update

  • PATRIOT Act extended.
    Impeachment raised in the Senate but nothing will happen. American judge rules detentions in Cuba illegal but there’s nothing he can do about it. Dispatches From the Culture Wars essay about how the administration of President Bush is so arrogrant that it doesn’t even…

Other people’s words

BloodRedSun on /. put into eloquent words something I’ve been trying to say for ages. Quote:

“I agree with you to a certain extent in that people take knowledge for granted but that is understandable. Knowledge at a certain level does become, for want of a better…


Snagged from serenitiesangel

[ ] I am shorter than 5'4.
[ ] I think I’m ugly sometimes.
[ ] I have many scars.
[ ] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[x] I am self-conscious about my…

Stuff today

US: As far back as 2002 President Bush authorised the NSA to spy on American citizens inside the US (Giblets take on this). The Department of Defence regularly spies on peace groups including the Quakers. President Bush finally agrees torture ban that the Senate was going force him into anyway (Giblets on…


sinbadsilk talks excellently about the CIA.

Huge list of lists of everything form 2005.

The UK becomes one of the most morally forward looking countries in the world as it legalises cival partnerships. Interestingly you can be straight/celabate and have one of…

Bits and pieces

New Conservative leader (what’s his name again…?) gets off to a flying start by hiring on of the sub-eds of the Sun to be a speechwriter.

Argentina breaks ties with the IMF. I think, like so many political institutions, the IMF is a grand idea but in reality is used by the…


I’m an athiest but stuff like this (very negative review of Narnia) and the original version of this (porn for Bibles exchange) do not help the cause.

At least the second one has stepped back somewhat and provided some very interesting URLs I may review here later…

Dover result out



“Those who disagree with our holding will likely mark it as the product of an activist judge. If so, they will have erred as this is manifestly not an activist Court. Rather, this case came to us as the result of the activism of an…

These were the top 30 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in December of 2005. You can also dive into daily archives for December of 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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