Top Stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in March of 2006

Another books meme

According to The Online Computer Library Center these are the top 1000 most likely books to be in any US library.

This is the top 200. Ones I’ve read in bold (not many), ones I intend to read in italics (potential future birthday presents!). Pass it on.

#1 Bible [various] Library holdings…

Somewhat behind

I’ve been letting LJ things pile up for a while now so might have to spread them over a few posts.

alobear and I went to my sister’s for the weekend. First time I’ve seen her in over a year. We all had a great time — must make an effort to stay better in touch.

Iraq update

Big quote from a new article by Orville Schell:

There is undeniably a Blade Runner-like feel to this city. The violence is so pervasive and unfathomable that you wonder what people think they are dying for. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the everyday violence is horrendous…

And more

Fantastic X-Men 3 trailer. This plus V for Vendetta looking very good.

In Our Time talks about ‘friendship’. Especially good if you like classics.

The American Surgeon General says obesity is a bigger problem than terrorism. While he’s definitly right why does…

Today’s stuff

My MP visits the troops in Iraq and speaks out on fair trade — he’s Conservative. I’m confused.

Chinese bloggers fake their own blogs being censored just to show how quickly western news agencies pick up on censorship in China but not everyday stories.

Iraq, US, etc

Salon posts archive of Abu Ghraib photos, videos, etc — lest we forget.

US launches biggest set of air strikes in Iraq since 2003.

President Bush says he is still willing to use a ‘strike first’ policy if necessary.


Ganked from angusabranson

Questions, questions, questions……

Relationship Status — Attached
Shoe size — 7.5 (UK)
Parents still together — Yes (after all the years of threatening not to)
Siblings — One sister
Pets — Fish (the surviving ones)

Neil Gaiman interview in the Guardian

Found here. Bonus pretention points for knowning George Orwell’s real name (and expecting the reader to know it as well) and for my New Word of the Day (insouciance).

Today’s things

Seems President Bush was warned about Katrina after all what a surprise.

Unsurprisingly the government thinks that scenic countryside is more important than green power generation.

Interview article

After a recomendation by lareinemisere I went off and read the full interview with Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams in the Gruniad.

I have to say, sadly, that I wasn’t overly impressed. Not only does he not come over as a man with very strong convictions it is…

Yet more

Interestingly my MP is looking into dodgey investing the Anglican Church is doing. He may be being civic minded or he may be a radical Catholic (it says on his site he is big into Christianity but not what flavour.

Funny old thing life

I got an award at work today (for organising a team’s information for them), I completed my website project (here), I’ve got the oportunity to chat to some important customers in the morning and one of the work bigwigs is coming to a presentation I’m doing — so why do I feel suddenly like…


Beware of OGame — it is extremely addictive and it’s real-time nature means you end up want to make moves in the middle of the night…

Find the CIAs secrets just by searching the ‘net or any they carefully laid fakes? What’s more likely…?

Unfeasable number of things

Have ended up being flagged in my Bloglines account so I’d better make a start…

FIFA to penalise clubs who’s fans are racist. Nice move.

Good article on yet another vast city in China you’ve not heard of. Expect a lot more of…

This is what I hope the internet will increasingly be used for. Reports from both Kenya and Thailand about how the government is repressing or being confronted by their citizens while the world media looks the other way. Still, even if people know most of the time they won’t care — remember Aung San Suu Kyi.

These were the top 19 stories published by Desiderium Sciendi in March of 2006. You can also dive into daily archives for March of 2006 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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